372,秦俑the terracotta warriors
373,“地下的军团” "the buried legions of Emperor Qin"
A visit to Egypt will not be complete without seeing the pyramids, and that a visit to China will not be complete without seeing the terracotta warriors.
375,尘封了2000多年shrouded in secrecy for over two thousand years
376,中华文化珍品national treasure of China
377,被列入世界文化遗产was put on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list.
378,文明成果proud Chinese achievements
379,被列入 have been included in
380, 世界文化遗产the World Cultural Heritage list
381, 世界非物质文化遗产the World Intangible Cultural Heritage list
382, 世界记忆遗产名录the Memory of the World list
383, 表示衷心的感谢express my heartfelt thanks to
384, 保存和传播中华文明the preservation and dissemination of the Chinese civilization.
qín yǒng
秦俑the terracotta warriors
秦 qín 朝 代,公元前221 - 公元前206年,秦始皇嬴政所建,建都咸阳(在今陕西咸阳市东) Qin Dynasty (221-206 B.C.) dynasty established by Ying Zheng or Qinshihuang (First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty) with its capital in Xianyang (east of present-day Xianyang in Shaanxi Province)
俑yǒng 古代殉葬的偶像 wooden or earthen human figure buried with the dead in ancient times;
【陶俑】táo yǒng: pottery figurine
【女俑】nǚ yǒng: terracotta female figurine