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hot words 热词 - 【外交官汉语词汇八】:2013两会词汇8

71 开拓创新
Blaze new trails in a pioneering spirit
We successfully mitigated the impact of the massive Wenchuan earthquake.
Science, technology and education must be placed in a position of greater strategic imp0rtance.
74 空谈误国,实干兴邦
Empty talk harms the nation, while solid work makes it thrive/solid work rather than empty talk helps the nation thrive.
75 控制经济运行中的风险隐患,保证了财政的稳健运行和可持续性
Control latent economic risks and keep government finance on a sound and sustainable footing
76 控制能源消费总量
Impose a cap on total energy consumption
77 扩大内需的难点和重点在消费,潜力也在消费
Consumption presents a major difficulty in increasing domestic demand; but it is also key to increasing such demand, and it is in consumption where the potential lies.
78 理顺能源资源价格需要留出一定空间
We need to leave some room for adjusting the prices of energy and resources.
79 理顺中央和地方财力与事权的关系
Take steps to adjust relations between the central government and local governments in terms of financial resources and power.
80 了解中国要切忌盲人摸象
In learning ab0ut China, one should avoid making the mistake of "Mang Ren Mo Xiang" or the blind men who tried to learn ab0ut the elephant by feeling it (resulting in each one mistaking the part they touched for the whole).

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