Look for a noble steed according to its description
Bo Le was a famous master of horse-judging. He wrote a book titled Xiang Ma Jing (classics of how to judge a horse) to explain how to recognize a good horse. "A good horse has a wide forehead, bulging eyes and round hoofs," he wrote.
One day, according to a tale in the book, the son of Bo Le went out to look for a good horse. After a while, he came back, bringing with him a toad. He told his father, "I have found a horse similar that fits your description but its eyes are not bulging enough and hoofs not round." Bo Le did not know whether to laugh or to cry at this. He teased his son, "This horse is good at jumping rather than being ridden. What you have found matches my description, but it's not a good horse"
From what Bo Le said we draw the idiom, depicting those who work mechanically or try to locate something by following a description.
àn tú suǒ jì
一天,他的儿子按着《相马经》上写的出去找好马。过了一会儿,他拿着一只癞蛤蟆回来了,对他的父亲说:“我找到了一匹马,大致跟你书上的一个模样,只是眼睛鼓得不够,蹄子也不是圆圆的。” 伯乐哭笑不得,开玩笑地说:“这匹马喜欢跳,但是不能骑啊。你这是照着图画找马。”
xǐ qì yáng yáng
Full of joy; radiant with happiness; jubilant
huān tiān xǐ dì
Wild with joy; overjoyed
huān jù yī táng
Gather together happily under the same roof; be together on a happy occasion
yī fān fēng shùn
Plain or smooth sailing; successful career
guó tài mín ān
The country enjoys prosperity and the people live in peace
fán róng chāng shèng
Thriving and prosperous