草木皆兵 cǎo mù jēi bīng 东晋时代,秦王苻坚控制了北部中国。公元383年,苻坚率领步兵、骑兵90万,攻打江南的晋朝。晋军大将谢石、谢玄领兵8万前去抵抗。苻坚得知晋军兵力不足,就想以多胜少,抓住机会,迅速出击。 |
Every Bush and Tree Looks Like an Enemy During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Fu Jian, king of the State of Qin, controlled northern China. In the year383, Fu Jian led 900,000 infantry and cavalry troops to assault the State of Jin which was south of the Yangtze River. Xie Shi and Xie Xuan, senior generals of the Jin army, led 80,000 troops to offer resistance. Knowing that the Jin army was short of men, Fu Jian wanted to seize this opportunity of being much more numerous in armed forces to stage a quick attack. |