Let's learn some Chinese Buzzwords! Today,we're going to learn about the busswords of "公铁行","拼爹","牛博......
Let's learn some Chinese Buzzwords! Today,we're going to learn about the busswords of "孕傻", "调情短信", "......
Let's learn some Chinese Buzzwords! Today,we're going to learn about the busswords of "隐性涨价","55p","美......
Let's learn some Chinese Buzzwords! Today,we're going to learn about the busswords of "微博控","品牌控","聚......
Let's learn some Chinese Buzzwords! Today,we're going to learn about the busswords of "总队长","番茄工作法"......
Let's learn some Chinese Buzzwords! Today,we're going to learn about the busswords of "拍照乱入","减智食品"......
Let's learn some Chinese Buzzwords! Today,we're going to learn about the busswords of "暴力行善","鸵鸟爱情"......
"对牛弹琴" literally means playing the music towards the cow, but the cow took no notice. This is a metaphor for tryi......
Let's learn some Chinese Buzzwords! Today,we're going to learn about the busswords of "辣度等级","拽人名","......
Let's learn some Chinese Buzzwords! Today,we're going to learn about the busswords of "麦兜族","乌魂族","CC......
Lu Ji was a man of Huating, Wu County (today's Songjiang, Shanghai) in the period of the Three Kingdoms and a sc......
211 I can show you other quotations that are lower than yours.wǒ kěyǐ bǎ bǐɡuɡōnɡsī boji dīdduō de jimbiǎo...
Let's learn some Chinese Buzzwords! Today,we're going to learn about the busswords of "云服务","501军团","......
Let's learn some Chinese Buzzwords! Today,we're going to learn about the busswords of "阴滋病","盐荒子孙","......
Let's learn some Chinese Buzzwords! Today,we're going to learn about the busswords of "奉子成婚","数字节","......