忘年交(wàng nián jiāo)is friendship between generations; become friends in spite of the age difference....
“宅(zhái)” mainly means a dwelling house, which is a noun. Now it has also taken on another meaning as a verb refe......
“团购”is a type of purchasing behavior that a group of people use to obtain discounts from vendors using their coll......
"猴年马月(hóunián mǎyuè)" means there is no specific deadline for an on-going thing or specific date for occurren......
“百发百中”形容射箭技术的高明。比喻每次都能命中目标。"百发百中" is used to describe great archery skills. It means o......
“半途而废”原指走路走到一半停下来。比喻事情没有做完就不做了。The original meaning of “半途而废” refers to stopping......
The phrase "钻牛角尖(zuān niújiǎojiān)" has a negative meaning which is commonly used to criticize those people w......
百闻不如一见,听到一百次,也不如亲自去看一次。The literal meaning of this phrase is that it’s better to see somethin......
“母老虎”是指雌老虎,借指泼妇,就是说话很凶,做事让人害怕的女人。“母老虎(mǔ lǎohǔ)” means a tigress and is a me......
The original meaning of “如鱼得水” is to be like a fish in water. Metaphorically, it refers to individuals who are ......
“露一手(lòu yì shǒu)”means to exhibit one’s unique or rarely shown skills or abilities to others or show off so......
"掌上明珠(zhǎngshàng míngzhǔ)" literally means a valuable pearl in one’s palm. It is a metaphor to refer to the ......
不到黄河心不死:比喻不到绝境(无路可走的地步)不肯死心,也比喻不达到目的决不罢休。Chinese often use this phrase to in......
“拿手(náshǒu)”means being adept or good at something. The commonly used pattern is “sb. 做(zuò) sth. 很拿手(......
“玩命(wánmìng)”means to act regardless of the hazard or not take one’s life seriously. It is usually said with a......
因为无法单独承担房产月供或租金,越来越多的夫妻选择离婚后仍然生活在同一个屋檐下。“蜗婚”一族选择 离婚后还住在一处,那......
威武在这里指有威风或气派。In modern Chinese society, the youth will pick up the symbol V directly , which is similar ......
PS generation describes the phenomenon that many people would like to polish their photos to perfection with Photosho......