“如意算盘”比喻有的人考虑问题的时候,根据自己的愿望,只从好的方面和只为自己或己方做打算。如意算盘(rúyì suànpán) ......
爱不释手,喜欢得不肯放手,形容非常喜欢。It means something is so delighted with it that one could hardly bear to put ......
Here are the top 10 Chinese phrases that made it over the Great Wall and into the vocabularies of English speakers ev......
画龙点睛:比喻说话、作文或进行艺术创作时在关键的地方加上精彩的一笔,使内容更加生动传神。 It means to make the finishi......
“做贼心虚”比喻做了坏事的人,因怕被人发现,因此总觉得心里不安。Metaphorically, “做贼心虚”means people who do bad t......
坐在井底看天只能看到广阔天空的一小部分。眼界小,见识少。Looking up from the bottom of a well, one can only see a smal......
指鹿为马:指着鹿,说是马。比喻故意颠倒黑白,混淆是非。 Meaning: Point to a deer, and call it a horse, which is used t......
朝三暮四指实质不变,用玩弄手段,改换名目的方法使人受骗上当。说话、办事反复无常、不负责任。It means to fool others by ......
伯乐相马指伯乐善于发现好马。后来比喻善于发现和选拔人才。The original meaning of “伯乐相马” refers to Bole’s abilit......
车水马龙是车像流水马像游龙,形容车多马多,后来 用来比喻人来车往,非常热闹。The original meaning of “车水马龙”is man......
草木皆兵把一草一木都当做敌兵。常形容失败者的恐惧心理。“草木皆兵”means to take grass and trees as enemy soldiers. It......
“草船借箭”比喻凭借智慧,借助别人的人力或财力来达到自己的目的。"草船借箭(cǎochuánjièjiàn)" means achieving one......
大材小用:“大材小用”指将很大的材料用在微小的地方,比喻对人才的使用不当。 "大材小用" means to put a great material f......
凿壁借光是凿开墙壁,偷借邻居家的灯光读书。指在艰苦的条件下坚持刻苦学习。Záobì-jièguāng is to make a hole in the w......
郑人买履这个故事讽刺了有些人做事只相信刻板的教条,不懂得根据实际情况灵活变通。This story satirizes those who follow c......
纸上谈兵在纸面上谈论打仗,喻没有实际经验,只会照着书本空谈,不能成为现实。纸上谈兵 literally means talk about strateg......
成语自相矛盾(Zìxiāngmáodùn) 比喻语言、行动前后不一致或互相抵触。This idom means be not consistent with oneself or......
杯弓蛇影,将映在酒杯里的弓影误认为是蛇。比喻因疑神疑鬼而引起恐惧。Mistake the shadow of a bow in one's cup as a ......
沉鱼落雁形容女孩子非常美丽。Chényú luòyàn is that the beauty of a woman can make fish sink to the river floor and......