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Wulingyuan Scenic Spot 武陵源风景名胜区

Profile:Wulingyuan Scenic Spot 武陵源风景名胜区
Wulingyuan Scenic Spot lies in the northwest of Hunan Province in the middle of China, mainly composed of Zhangjiajie Forest Park in Zhangjiajie City, Suoxiyu Natural Reserve in Cili County, and Tianzi Mountain Natural Reserve in Sangzhi County. It covers a total area of about 500km. And, recently Yangjiajie New Scenic Spot has been uncovered in addition to the existing places of interest.
Wulingyuan Scenic Spot is a landscape of mountains and waters uncovered early in the 1980’s. Here there is no any artificial carvings made to the sceneries and everywher are seen stone columns and peaks, steep cliffs, ancient trees, pervading mists and wandering clouds, springs and waterfalls and rare birds and animals. Standing among these, one would just feel like coming to a fabulous land of wonder and a passage of picturesque views of mountains and water.
The quarts stone peaks that are unique of Wulingyuan Scenic Spot are indeed rare scenes worldwide. For the area of over 360km, there are 3,000 peaks known with grotesque cliffs and peaks are rolling and overlapping far and wide. When the sky clears up after rain or just on lingering rainy days, the pervading clouds and mist, now bright now dark in the valley, wind their way among the sandstone peaks and cliffs to inspire just an ever-changing mirage experience to the visitors’ amazement.
Wulingyuan Scenic Spot is a landscape of water surrounding mountains with even 800 waterfalls, brooks, pools and springs in Zhangjiajie alone, each boasting its own appeal. The Gold Whip Brook is one of 10km, running from Zhangjiajie to Suoxiyu with gorges standing on two sides and scenes reflecting in the brook, giving a really unique experience of exploration.
Also, there are a large number of big, unique rock caves in Wulingyuan, in particular, the Yellow Dragon Cave in Suoxiyu. It is about 7.5km in total, falling into four floors inside. Rare and grotesque, it looms as one of the most famed sight-seeing resorts of Wulingyuan Scenic Spot.

Hot Tags: chinese culture chinese place of interest

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