A: How do you think a design room?
nǐ shì rúhé kàndài shèjìshì de ?
B: The design room is the hub of a clothing company.
shèjìshì shì fúzhuānɡ ɡōnɡsī de xīnzànɡ .
A: Why you said so?
wèishénme ?
B: Its function is to produce sample garments that will "look good, fit well and be practical to produce in bulk".
yīnwéi tā de ɡōnɡnénɡ shì zhìzào chū hǎokàn de héshì de jù pīliànɡxìnɡ shēnɡchǎn kě xínɡxìnɡ de yànɡběn .
A: So you think it is very important?
suǒyǐ nǐ rènwéi hěn zhònɡyào ?
B: Yes, the future commerical existence of the company depends on the skill of the design room team, It is vrey important department
duì ,ɡōnɡsī de wèilái shànɡwù cāozuò jiù kàn shèjì tuánduì de jìshu le ,nà shí yí ɡe fēichánɡ zhònɡyào de bùmén .
对, 公司的未来商务操作就看设计团伙的技术了,那是一个非常重要的部门。