qiū cí
秋 词
(tánɡ)liú yǔxī
(唐) 刘禹锡
zì gǔ féng qiū bēi jì liáo
自 古 逢 秋 悲 寂 寥,
wǒ yán qiū rì shèng chūn zhāo
我 言 秋 日 胜 春 朝。
qíng kōng yí hè pái yún shàng
晴 空 一 鹤 排 云 上,
biàn yǐn shī qíng dào bì xiāo
便 引 诗 情 到 碧 霄。
Song of Autumn
(Tang) Liu Yuxi
The desolate scene of autumn has ever aroused lamentation,
Yet I opine spring morn is not as fair as autumn day.
When in the sunny sky a crane soars on the cloudy way,
Towards the blue my heart would fly with poetic aspiration.
shīwén shǎnɡxī
zhènɡrú shīrén xiě de zìɡǔfénɡqiūbēijìliáo nàyɑnɡ
ɡǔdài wénrén miáoxiě qiūtiān duōshì xiě qiū de bēiliánɡ xiāosè
shēnɡqì de xiāowánɡ lìnɡrén bēiɡuān shīwànɡ
dàn zhèshǒushī duì qiūtiān de kànfǎ què wánquán xiānɡfǎn
shīrén rènwéi qiūtiān xiànɡ chūntiān de zǎochén yíyànɡ rànɡ rén shēnɡqìbóbó
rànɡ rén chōnɡmǎn xīwànɡ jiùxiànɡ jià fēnɡ chuān yún zhíshànɡ lántiān de báihè
yǐnrén xīnshēnɡ jījíjìnqǔ de línɡyúnzhuànɡzhì
Just as the first line of the verse expresses, so most men of letters since ancient times have described autumn as sad, bleak and disheartening. This poem, however, pictures the disheartening. This poem, however, pictures the scenes to the contrary. The poet believes that autumn day is just as fair as spring morning and is a crane which, full of vigor and hope, rides the clouds and soars into the blue sky. Looking at the scene, one is greatly inspired with ambition.