刻木事亲 Carve Wood for Worshipping Parents...
Carol on the Minor Fairy of the Fate...
埋儿奉母 Bury Son to Support His Mother...
卖身葬父 Sell Oneself for Burial of Father...
The Golden Dress--金缕衣...
拾葚异器 Leave Better Food for Mother...
亲尝汤药 Taste Decoctions of Medicinal Ingredients Per...
啮指痛心 Paining Heart with Mother's Bitten...
芦衣顺母 Obedient to Mother with Flimsy Clothes...
百里负米 Carrying Rice for More Than a Hundred Li for...
鹿乳奉亲Feeding Parents with Deer's Milk...
戏彩娱亲Entertain the Parents with Performances...
孝感动天 Filial Piety That Moved the Heaven...
【李白诗词】—— 望庐山瀑布(wàng lú shān pù bù)...
【李白诗词】—— 送友人(sòng yǒu rén)...
【李白诗词】—— 行路难(xíng lù nán)...
【李白诗词】—— 宣州谢脁楼饯别校书叔云...
【李白诗词】—— 赠汪伦(zèng wāng lún)...
【李白诗词】—— 梦游天姥吟留别(mèng yóu tiān mǔ yín liú bié)...
看童谣,学汉语 - 《有人说》...