【李白诗词】—— 月下独酌(yuè xià dú zhuó)...
Beautiful Verses in Chinese--如果记住就是忘却...
The Pleasure of Reading读书的乐趣(双语)...
【李白诗词】—— 将进酒(qiāng jìn jiǔ)...
【李白诗词】—— 早发白帝城(zǎo fā bái dì chéng)...
【李白诗词】—— 关山月(guān shān yuè)...
【李白诗词】—— 登金陵凤凰台(dēng jīn líng fèng huáng tái)...
The Spear and the shield...
【李白诗词】—— 金陵酒肆留别(jīn líng jiǔ sì liú bié )...
modern poetry:偶然Chance...
【李白诗词】—— 春思(chūn sī )...
Poetry: Don't wait...
Beautiful Verses in Chinese--Silent noon...
The heaven and the hell天堂和地狱...
Chinese idioms:The Tiger Behind the Fox...
【李白诗词】—— 采莲曲(cǎi lián qǔ)...
【李白诗词】—— 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵...