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Extensive Reading 中国铁路企业负债1.8万亿 China railways owe 1.8 trillion yuan

Profile:中国铁路企业负债1.8万亿 China railways owe 1.8 trillion yuan


据新华社报道,中国新任铁道部部长盛光祖3月初5日透露,中国铁路企业负债约为1.8 万亿元,处于可控范围内。盛光祖于上周接替因严重违纪而被撤职的刘志军出任铁道部部长。他表示,虽然刘志军落马,中国的高速铁路网建设还是会继续发展,并 说道,"只要高铁全面运营,我认为将来的市场还是很好的"。





China railways owe 1.8 trillion yuan

The 1.8 trillion yuan debt of China's railway enterprises is still "at a manageable level," said newly appointed railway minister Sheng Guangzu on March 5, according to a Xinhua report. Sheng took office last week to replace Liu Zhijun, who was ousted for "severe violation of discipline." Sheng said China would continue to develop its high-speed rail network despite Liu's fall from grace. "I believe that once the high speed network is fully in service, its market prospects will be excellent," he said.

Chinese jumbo set to fly in 2014

China's first jumbo jet, the C919, will make its maiden flight in 2014 after rolling off the assembly line around the end of 2013, the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) said Saturday. The jumbo jet is due to go into service in 2016, Xinhua reports.

Interpol issues alert on Gaddafi

The International Criminal Police Organization on Friday issued an Orange Notice against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and 15 others, including his family members and close associates, Xinhua reported. The memo urged Interpol's 188 members to enforce UN sanctions against Libya and support investigations by the Hague-based International Criminal Court into Gaddafi's alleged crimes against humanity.


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