Poem: The Willow 咏柳 (yǒng liǔ)...
Poem:Sympathy for Peasants 唐诗《悯农》...
Poem: Mountain Trip 唐诗《山行》...
5.1 festival causes of the section中国五一劳动节的由来...
Poem: In The Temple of the First King of Shu 唐诗《蜀先主庙》...
Poem:After the Imperial Examination 唐诗《登科后》...
poem:Black Robe Lane 唐诗《乌衣巷 》...
The beauty of the early morning 清晨的美丽...
Poem: Autumn Waterside Songs 唐诗《秋浦歌十七首(其十五)》...
Poem: a Poem for Friends at a Beautiful Scenery 《 晚春江晴寄友人》...
Poem: Hard-time Friends 唐诗《贫农交》...
Poem: Happy Rain on a Spring Night 唐诗《春夜喜雨》...
Poem: At Hibiscus Inn Parting With Xin Jian 唐诗《芙蓉楼送辛渐》...
Poem: To a Maidservant 唐诗《赠婢》...
Poem: a Flower in the Haze 唐诗《花非花》...
Poem: Mice in the Official Granary唐诗《官仓鼠》...
Poem:Passing by the Huaqing Palace唐诗《过华清宫绝句》...
Chinese pet views...
Poem: A Mooring on the Qinhuai River 唐诗《泊秦淮》...
A foreigner's taobao life in China一个外国人自述中国的taobao生活...