Bó Qínhuái
Dù Mù (Táng)
Yān lóng hán shuǐ yuè lóng shā,
yè bó Qínhuái jìn jiǔjiā.
Shāngnǚ bù zhī wángguó hèn,
gé jiāng yóu chàng Hòutíng Huā.
“秦淮(Qínhuái)”是秦淮河,位于江苏省南京市。“商女(Shāngnǚ)”就是歌女。《后庭花》(Hòutíng Huā)是一首乐曲,叫《玉树后庭花》(Yùshù Hòutíng Huā),是南朝陈朝最后一个皇帝陈叔宝所作,后被当作亡国之音。
"Qínhuái" refers to the Qinhuai River in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. "商女(shāngnǚ)" are those singsong girls. "后庭花(Hòutíng Huā)" is a musical piece, or called "玉树后庭花(A Song of Courtyard Flowers)", composed by the last emperor of the Chen Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties in Chinese history. It was later regarded as a tune presaging the fallen state.
Mist veils the cold water and the sand is shrouded in the dim moonlight. I moor my boat near a tavern on the Qinhuai River, wher girls, with no thought of a perished kingdom, are still gaily singing A Song of Courtyard Flowers.
Apparently this poem criticizes the girls' ignorance of being a conquered people, but actually it insinuates the bureaucrats and aristocrats in the late Tang Dynasty the poet was living in, who indulged themselves in a life of luxury and dissipation. The poem shows the author's disappointment at the rulers and his deep worries about the impeding danger to the state.
弥漫(mímàn):v. pervade
笼罩(lǒngzhào): v.enveplope,shroud
荒淫(huāngyín): adj. licentious, dissolute
朦胧(ménglóng): adj. hazy, obscured
纸醉金迷(zhǐzuì-jīnmí): adj. live a luxury and dissipation life
忧患(yōuhuàn): worry, misery