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News in China: Strongest waves of gold buying in China

Profile:News in China: Strongest waves of gold buying in China
Asia is witnessing one of the strongest waves of physical gold buying in 30 years, with bargain-hunters using the dro in prices to secure jewellery and gold bars. Feverish buying has left many of Hong Kong’s banks, jewellers and even its gold exchange without enough yellow metal to meet demand. In Shanghai, the gold exchange saw volumes – often seen as a proxy for demand – at a record yesterday. Queues formed outside some jewellery shops in Beijing.

The buying surge in China, Hong Kong, India and other Asian countries contrasts with heavy selling last week, when investors dumped billions of dollars of gold-related assets. The strong Asian buying has provided support for global gold prices. Yesterday the cost of the metal rose to $1,438.66 a troy ounce, up from 8.1 per cent from the low set last week.Haywood Cheung, president of the Hong Kong Gold and Silver Exchange Society, said the exchange had effectively run out of most of its holdings as members looked to meet a shortfall in supply amid rampant retail demand for gold.
与中国、香港、印度以及其他亚洲国家的购买狂潮形成对比的是,上周黄金遭遇抛售狂潮,当时投资者大举抛售黄金相关资产。强劲的亚洲买盘为国际金价提供了支持。昨日金价上涨至每盎司1438.66美元,较上周的低点上涨8.1%。香港金银业贸易场(Hong Kong Gold and Silver Exchange Society)理事长张德熙(Haywood Cheung)表示,贸易场的大部分储备实际上已经耗尽,会员单位正设法解决零售需求高涨所造成的供应短缺。

Gold traders in Asia said premiums – price paid for a particular product over and above the value of the gold it contains – which are seen as a barometer of physical demand, had more than doubled in recent days.Chow Tai Fook – the Hong Kong-based company that is the world’s biggest jeweller by market capitalisation – said some stores in areas popular with mainland Chinese tourists had sold out of gold bars.
亚洲的黄金交易员表示,被视为实物黄金需求晴雨表的黄金溢价(为某件产品支付的超过其所含黄金之价值的那部分价格)最近几日上涨逾一倍。全球市值最大的珠宝商、总部位于香港的周大福(Chow Tai Fook)表示,在中国内地光顾最多的地区的部分门店,金条已经售罄。

It said demand had not been this strong for gold products since the late 1980s.

China is the world’s second-largest gold buyer after India. At Beijing’s largest gold store Caibai a long queue formed to buy investment-grade bullion on Friday morning.Trading volume on the Shanghai gold exchange jumped to a record high yesterday, reaching 43 metric tonnes, said Bloomberg data. The previous record, set on April 19, was 30.4 metric tonnes.

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