Dēnɡ yōu zhōu tái ɡē
Chén Zǐ ánɡ ( Tánɡ )
Qián bú jiàn gǔrén,
Hòu bú jiàn láizhě.
Niàn tiāndì zhī yōuyōu,
Dú chuàngrán ér tì xià!
“幽州台”也叫“蓟北楼”,遗址在今北京市西南,为战国时期燕国的燕昭王所建,修幽州台的目的是为了招纳贤才。诗中的“古人”和“来者” 都是指那些能够礼贤下士的贤明君主。“怆然”意思是悲伤的样子,“涕”是眼泪。
"幽州台(Yōuzhōutái)"(Youzhou gate-tower) is also called "蓟北楼(Jìběilóu)"(Jibei tower), which is located in the southwest of Beijing. It was built by the King of Zhao in the Yan State during the Warring States Period for the purpose of recruiting talents. “古人(gǔrén)”(the forefathers) and “来者(láizhě)”(the coming generation) all represent the wise emperors who could condescend to the talents. “怆然(chuàngrán)” means being sad and “涕(tì)” refers to tears.
I’ve got no chance to meet the ancient wise kings, and fate has decided that I also won’t be able to see the ones to come. The world remains so vast and everlasting, but I, alone in despair, can only shed sorrowful tears on this tower.
In this poem the poet laments that though ambitious and talented as he was, he was unfortunately born in the wrong time since no wise king could appreciate him and provided him opportunity to serve the country.
礼贤下士:(lǐxiánxiàshì) be courteous to the wise and condescending to scholars
生不逢时:(shēngbùféngshí)born at a wrong time
宇宙:(yǔzhòu)n. universe
胸怀大志:(xiōnghuáidàzhì) ambitious
满腹才华:(mǎnfùcáihuá) talented
报国无门:(bàoguówúmén)have no opportunity for serving the motherland