Fēng Qiáo Yè Bó
Zhāng Jì (Táng)
Yuè luò wū tí shuāng mǎn tiān,
Jiāng fēng yúhuǒ duì chóu mián.
Gūsū Chéng wài Hánshān Sì,
Yèbàn zhōngshēng dào kèchuán.
"枫桥(Fēngqiáo)", Maple Bridge, is located in Suzhou City, Jiangsu province. "姑苏(Gūsū)", is another name for Suzhou City. "寒山寺(Hánshān Sì)", the Temple of Frost Hill is located near the Maple Bridge.
The moon is setting. The crows are crying. The atmosphere is heavy with a chilly autumn frost. The maple trees and the lights of the fishing boats are reflected in the water. Yet I am unable to sleep because of sorrow. I vaguely hear the bells are ringing in the Temple of Frost Hill outside of Suzhou city at midnight.The poem describes that the poet's experience of taking a boat through Suzhou City. The boat is resting at night. The clear view at night and the sound of bells make the author feel very lonely and homesick.
月亮:(yuèliang) n. moon
寺庙:(sìmiào) n. temple
枫树:(fēngshù) n. maple
渔船:(yúchuán) n. fishing boat
愁闷:(chóumèn) adj. gloomy
钟声:(zhōngshēng) n. ding
寂寞:(jìmò) n. loneliness