Two girls show eggs decorated with the Chinese characters for "spring" (left) and "equinox" in Qingdao, East China’s Shandong province, March 20, 2018.
词汇 Words:
[fēng sú] 风俗 custom
[dào lái] 到来 coming
[chuán tǒng] 传统 tradition
[qìng zhù] 庆祝 celebrate
[rèn wéi] 认为 believe
[zhí lì] 直立 stand
重点词汇 Key word:
<动词 v.> stand
E.g. Rén hěnkuài jiù zuò mǎn le,bùjiǔ jiù zhǐ shèngxià zhànlì de wèizhì le。
The place quickly fills up so it's soon standing room only.
<动词 v.> set up; establish; found
E.g. Jìrán lì le fǎ,jiù yīnggāi yángé zhíxíng。
once the law has been made, it should be strictly enforced.
<动词 v.> draw up; formulate
E.g. Zhèshì shuí lì de guījǔ?
Whose rule is this?
<动词 v.> exist; live
E.g. Wǒ jìngpèi tā de dúlì jīngshén hé yǒngqì。
I admired her independence and her spunk.
<副词 adv.> immediately
E.g. Yī yǒu jiéguǒ wǒmen lìjí tōngzhī nǐ。
We shall inform you of the results without the least delay.