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Survival Chinese Lesson 5 What's the weather like today

Profile:Survival Chinese Lesson 5 What's the weather like today
1.今(jīn) 天(tiān) 天(tiān) 气(qì) 怎(zěn) 么(me) 样(yànɡ) ?

What’ s the weather like today?

2.今(jīn) 天(tiān) 天(tiān) 气(qì) 很(hěn) 冷(lěnɡ) 。

It is so cold today.

3.今(jīn) 天(tiān) 很(hěn) 暖(nuǎn) 和(huo) 。

It is warm today.

4.今(jīn) 天(tiān) 天(tiān) 气(qì) 不(bú) 错(cuò) 。

It is a beautiful day.

5.今(jīn) 天(tiān) 好(hǎo) 冷(lěnɡ) 啊(ā) !

It is extremely cold today.

6.今(jīn) 天(tiān) 好(hǎo) 热(rè) 啊(ā) !

It is so freaking hot today.

7.今(jīn) 天(tiān) 天(tiān) 气(qì) 很(hěn) 好(hǎo) !

It is a beautiful day.

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