81 落后就要挨打,发展才能自强
If you fall behind, you will be bullied. Only by developing yourself can you thrive.
82 农村土地制度的核心是要保障农民的财产权益,底线是严守18亿亩耕地红线
The rural land system is fundamentally ab0ut upholding farmers' property rights, and what is crucial is to ensure that China's farmland remains at or above the red line of 120 million hectares.
83 农村土地制度关乎农村的根本稳定
The rural land system is central to maintaining rural stability.
84 农村危房翻新
renovate run-down houses in rural areas
85 棚户区改造住房1200多万套.
Over 12 million housing units in run-down areas have been upgraded.
leading figures in all sectors of society
make development more innovation driven
88 切实解决社会普遍关注的重大问题
effectively solve major issues of public concern
89 区域发展总体战略
the master strategy for regional development
Eliminate or streamline items requiring administrative review and approval