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Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin 41 (Intermediate to Advanced)

Profile:Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin 41 (Intermediate to Advanced)
Liu Mingtian started a friendly talk with Zhuang Liqun analyzing the situation he was at and persuade him to confess.

[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 41


中年人看着年轻人轻轻摇了摇头。”年轻人,你给我的印象并不差。你虽然犯下重罪,但良心还是有的。我相信这宗劫案并不是你策划的,我猜你只是个帮凶,并不是主谋。你现在有两种选择,要不把实情说了,帮我们抓到主谋, 也算做一件对得起良心的事。要不继续否认。不管你怎么否认,只要证据确凿,我们照样可以给你定罪。到时候,主谋可要开心了,有你为他顶罪,他落得逍遥自在,还可以继续祸害他人。而你的家人呢?你母亲,你妹妹,她们将面对的现实有多残酷你想过没有?”

提到妈妈和妹妹,庄立群心里紧了一紧。从被抓那一刻,他就努力不去想她们。他祈祷最好他们也把他忘却。反正, 他们所熟悉的那个可以信赖的儿子和哥哥早已变了,变得自己都快认不出来了。


[vocab table]
Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition

        liang2 xin1     conscience;


    que4 zao2     definite; undeniable


    xiao1 yao2     free and unfettered

        zi4 zai5     free; unrestrained


    huo4 hai4     to harm


    can2 ku4     cruel; cruelty


    xin4 lai4     to trust; to have confidence in


 zuì’è yǒu hén 41


zhōngnián rén kàn zhe niánqīngrén qīngqīng yáo le yáotóu。” niánqīngrén, nǐ gěi wǒ de yìnxiàng bìngbù chà。 nǐ suīrán fàn xià zhòngzuì, dàn liángxīn háishi yǒude。 wǒ xiāngxìn zhè zōng jié àn bìng bùshì nǐ cèhuà de, wǒ cāi nǐ zhǐshì gè bāngxiōng, bìng bùshì zhǔ móu。 nǐ xiànzài yǒu liǎng zhǒng xuǎnzé, yàobù bǎ shíqíng shuō le, bāng wǒmen zhuā dào zhǔ móu, yě suàn zuò yī jiàn duìdeqǐ liángxīn de shì。 yàobù jìxù fǒurèn。 bùguǎn nǐ zěnme fǒurèn, zhǐyào zhèngjù quèzáo, wǒmen zhàoyàng kěyǐ gěi nǐ dìngzuì。 dàoshíhòu, zhǔ móu kě yào kāixīn le, yǒu nǐ wéi tā dǐngzuì, tā luòde xiāoyáozìzai, hái kěyǐ jìxù huòhài tārén。 ér nǐ de jiārén ne? nǐ mǔqīn, nǐ mèimei, tāmen jiāng miànduì de xiànshí yǒu duō cánkù nǐ xiǎng guò méiyǒu?”

tídào māma hé mèimei, zhuāng lì qún xīnli jǐn le yī jǐn。 cóng bèi zhuā nà yī kè, tā jiù nǔlì bù qù xiǎng tāmen。 tā qídǎo zuìhǎo tāmen yě bǎ tā wàngquè。 fǎnzhèng, tāmen suǒ shúxī de nàge kěyǐ xìnlài de érzi hé gēge zǎoyǐ biàn le, biànde zìjǐ dōu kuài rèn bù chūlái le。



[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 41


中年人看著年輕人輕輕搖了搖頭。”年輕人,你給我的印象並不差。你雖然犯下重罪,但良心還是有的。我相信這宗劫案並不是你策劃的,我猜你只是個幫凶,並不是主謀。你現在有兩種選擇,要不把實情說了,幫我們抓到主謀, 也算做一件對得起良心的事。要不繼續否認。不管你怎麼否認,只要證據確鑿,我們照樣可以給你定罪。到時候,主謀可要開心了,有你為他頂罪,他落得逍遙自在,還可以繼續禍害他人。而你的家人呢?你母親,你妹妹,她們將面對的現實有多殘酷你想過沒有?”

提到媽媽和妹妹,莊立群心裏緊了一緊。從被抓那一刻,他就努力不去想她們。他祈禱最好他們也把他忘卻。反正, 他們所熟悉的那個可以信賴的兒子和哥哥早已變了,變得自己都快認不出來了。


[English translation]
Traces of Sin  41


“Middle-age” looked at the young suspect and shook his head. “Young man, the impression you gave me is not bad. Although you committeed serious crime, you still have conscience. I believe you were not the mastermind behind this robbery. I guess you were only an accomplice, not the boss. Now you got two options: Either to tell the truth and help us find your boss, which is the right thing to do from good conscience; Or, you can deny as you want. No matter how hard you try to deny, as long as we have proven evidence, we are able to give you the sentence you deserve. By that time, your boss will be happy to have you serve the time for him. He could go on to harm others. Then what about your family? Your mother and sister? How cruel the reality would be for them to face? Have you ever given a thought about that?”

With his mother and sister mentioned, Zhuang Liqun’s mind got agitated. He tried to not to think about them since the moment he was captured. He prayed that it’s better they forgot about him forever. After all, the son and brother they were familiar with had changed. He had changed into a person he himself could barely recognize.

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