An "orange" alert, the second highest of the four-level system, will have lasted for 120 hours in Beijing as of noon today. Manufacturing plants have suspended or cut production, building work has been halted, and no barbecues are allowed. Physical education classes, outdoor exercise and sports meets at kindergartens, primary and high schools have also been called off.
雾霾是雾(smog)和霾(haze)的组合词。雾霾现象常见于城市。中国不少地区将雾并入霾一起作为灾害性天气现象(severe weather )进行预警预报(warning ),统称为“雾霾天气”。25日,北京连续(consecutive) 5天遭遇雾霾围城,行人甚至宠物犬戴口罩(wear a mask)已不再是新闻。北京大学校内蔡元培、李大钊、塞万提斯等先贤的雕像(statue),也被戴上了口罩。随着污染浓度(concentration of pollutants)直线上升,直至居高不下,人们开始意识到,这是一次打破纪录(beat the record )的污染过程。
近年来,由于空气质量恶化(worsen),雾霾现象出现增多且危害加重。市民用各种方式减缓雾霾对自身带来危害,如遇雾霾天气尽量做好防范措施(measures for prevention),如:雾霾天气少开窗、尽量避免户外活动(outdoor exercise)、外出戴口罩,饮食清淡多喝水。同时,官方的信息发布、应急响应、主动减排(reduce emission)也没有停止过。
重点词汇Key Words:
雾霾wù mái
天气tiān qì
戴口罩dài kǒu zhào
wear a mask
污染浓度wū rǎn nóng dù
concentration of pollutants
防范措施fáng fàn cuò shī
measures for prevention