86,简政放权streamlining administration and delegating power
87,落到实处be fully implemented
88,给企业松绑 loosen the straitjacket over enterprises
89,让市场发力 let the market play a strong role
90,激发市场活力boost market dynamism
91,新注册企业 newly registered private businesses
92,不管了 stay out of everything
93,坑蒙拐骗cheating and swindling of marketplace
94,假冒伪劣making and selling of fake or substandard goods
95,侵犯知识产权violation of intellectual property rights
96,蓄意污染环境polluting activities
97,违背市场公平竞争原则obstruct fair market competition
98,避重就轻a perfunctory attitude
99,中间梗阻midway obstruction
100,最后一公里不通畅power delegation getting stuck in the last mile
101,调动千千万万人的积极性to mobilize the initiative of all sides
102,为中国经济的发展不断地注入新动力add new impetus to the growth of the Chinese economy