about the story
To thank the white rabbit and the gray rabbit for their help, the goat gave them seeds and cabbages respectively. The white rabbit planted the seeds in the ground and worked very hard. So he got many, many cabbages. By comparison, the gray rabbit ate his head off. And he used up all the cabbages the goat gave him.
小白兔 (来到地里)我要种上菜籽,过两天再给它们浇水、施肥,这样白菜就可以长得又快又大了。
小灰兔 (伸着懒腰)哈哈,有了这些白菜我就不用干活了。
小白兔 (来到地里)哇,白菜长大了,我要给山羊伯伯送些去。
小灰兔 (看着地上的菜叶)唉,白菜这么快就吃完了,我再去和山羊伯伯要点儿。
小灰兔 (奇怪地)小白兔,你的白菜是哪儿来的?
小白兔 (微笑着)是我自己种的, 只有自己种,才有吃不完的菜呀!
老山羊 (笑眯眯地走出来)欢迎你们啊!刚才的话我都听到了。小白兔,你说得对,有付出才有收获啊!