Survival Chinese Lesson 16 What sports do you like...
商务问候 Shāngwù wènhòu Business Greetings...
租房子 Zū fángzi Rent a House...
当男孩爱上女孩(Dāng nánhái àishàng nǚhái) When a Boy Loves a Girl...
看病挂号 Kàn bìng guà hào Registration in a Hospital...
返校(Făn Xiào) Back to School 选修课 (Xuănxiūkè) Elective Courses...
订 票 Dìng Piào Making Reservations for Seats...
男生如何邀请女生(Nánshēng rúhé yāoqĭng nǚshēng) When a Boy Invites a Girl...
乘公共汽车 chéng gōng gòng qì chē Take a bus...
恋爱三部曲 Liàn'ài sān bù qŭ Love Trilogy...
Exchanging Money...
打出租车 Dă chūzūchē Take a Taxi...
Asking the Way...
Describing a Position...
Ordering Food...
Buying Things...
Survival Chinese Lesson 15 What hobbies do you have...
Survival Chinese Lesson 14 The scenery is extremely super...
Survival Chinese Lesson 13 What time is it now...
Survival Chinese Lesson 12 How is everything going with you lately...