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The Book of Songs

Profile:The Book of Songs
the book of songsHistory:
As the first collection of poems in china, The Book of Songs (shī jīng 诗经) recorded a total of 305 poems created over a period of 500 years or so, from the early Western Zhou Dynasty (xī zhōu 西周) (11th century BC-771BC) to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period (chūn qiū shí qī  春秋时期). It was said that specific officials were appointed with a sole role of collecting poems among the mass. There was also a rule requiring officials to compose poems and present them to the emperor at that time. The anthology came into being after further compilation. According to the story, all the poems in The Book of Songs were lyrics of the ancient days.
At the very beginning, The Book of Songs was known as Poems (shī 诗) or Three Hundred Poems (shī sān bǎi 诗三百). The great thinker Confucius (kǒng zǐ 孔子) used it as a textbook to teach his disciples. It was named as The Book of Songs after the Han Dynasty (hàn cháo 汉朝).

The Book of Songs was written in four-character lines. All the songs were original in wording, harmonious in rhythm, concise in style, and pleasant to read. The three major literary figures or styles employed in the poems were Fu (fù 赋), Bi (bǐ 比) and Xing (xīng 兴). It is divided into four main sections:the book of songs
    1. GuoFeng (guó fēng 国风)(Lessons from the States):
        Poems or folk songs from ordinary people.
    2. XiaoYa (xiǎo yǎ 小雅)(Minor Odes of the Kingdom):
        Poems or songs concerning life of the nobility.
    3. DaYa (dà yǎ 大雅)(Greater Odes of the Kingdom):
        Poems or songs of praise of the rulers and their life.
    4. Song (sòng 颂)(Odes of the Temple and the Altar):
        Hymns written for religious ceremonies of the court.

The Book of Songs was rich in contents, which was also the source of Chinese verse and the starting point of the Chinese epic. Including history poems, satirical poems, narrative poems, love songs, odes, seasonal songs and work songs, It covered all aspects of the society of the Zhou Dynasty, such as work and love, war and corvée, oppression and resistance, customs and marriage, sacrifices and feasts, astronomical phenomena and landforms, animals and plants. Therefore, The Book of Songs was not only a mirror reflecting the Zhou Dynasty (zhōu cháo 周朝), but also the most valuable and important material in the study of the Chinese language from the 11th century to the 6th century B.C.
The Book of Songs has spread widely in China and abroad. It has been translated into many foreign languages such as English, French, Japanese, and Russian. Jacob Lee's The Chinese Classics is the earliest translation in English, which was published during 1861-1871 in Hong Kong. Arthur Waley’s The Book of Songs, though published later (in 1954), is a better version.


the book of songs

The Reeds and Rushes (part)
《秦风· 兼葭》(节选)
When reed and rush grew green, grew green,
And dews to hoar-frost changed,
One whom they speak of as "that man"
Somewher the river ranged.
Upstream they went in quest of him,
A long and toilsome way;
Downstream they went in quest of him;
In mid-stream there lay!


the book of songs

思想内容 《诗经》全面地展示了中国周代时期的社会生活,真实地反映了中国奴隶社会从兴盛到衰败时期的历史面貌。其中有些诗,如《大雅》中的《生民》、《公刘 》、《绵》、《皇矣》、《大明》等,记载了后稷降生到武王伐纣,是周部族起源、发展和立国的历史叙事诗。
     有些诗,如《魏风• 硕鼠》、《魏风• 伐檀》等,以冷嘲热讽的笔调形象地揭示出奴隶主贪婪成性、不劳而获的寄生本性,唱出了人民反抗的呼声和对理想生活的向往,显示了奴隶制崩溃时期奴隶们的觉醒。有些诗,如《小雅• 何草不黄》、《豳风• 东山》、《唐风• 鸨羽》、《小雅 • 采薇》等写征夫思家恋土和对战争的哀怨;《王风• 君子于役 》、《卫风• 伯兮》等表现了思妇对征人的怀念。它们从不同的角度反映了西周时期不合理的兵役制度和战争徭役给人民带来的无穷痛苦和灾难。有些诗,如《周南• 芣苢》完整地刻画了妇女们采集车前子的劳动过程;《豳风• 七月》记叙了奴隶一年四季的劳动生活;《小雅• 无羊》反映了奴隶们的牧羊生活。 the book of songs
      还有不少诗表现了青年男女的爱情生活,如《秦风• 兼葭》表现了男女之间如梦的追求;《郑风• 溱洧》、《邶风• 静女》表现了男女之间戏谑的欢会;《王风• 采葛》表现了男女之间痛苦的相思;《卫风• 木瓜》、《召南• 摽有梅 》表现了男女之间的相互馈赠;《鄘风• 柏舟》、《郑风• 将仲子》则反映了家长的干涉和社会舆论给青年男女带来的痛苦。另如《邶风• 谷风》、《卫风•氓》还抒写了弃妇的哀怨,愤怒谴责了男子的忘恩负义,反映了阶级社会中广大妇女的悲惨命运。

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