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Classical Gardens of China 中国古典园林

Profile:Classical Chinese garden design, which intend to recreate natural landscapes in miniature, is nowhere better illustrated than in the nine gardens in the historic city of Suzhou (sū zhōu 苏州).
Classical Chinese garden design, which intend to recreate natural landscapes in miniature, is nowher better illustrated than in the nine gardens in the historic city of Suzhou (sū zhōu 苏州). They are generally acknowledged to be masterpieces of the genre. Dating from the 11th-19th century, the gardens reflect the profound metaphysical importance of natural beauty in Chinese culture in their meticulous (yì sī bù gǒu 一丝不苟) design.

Suzhou is China's well-known "city of gardens"(yuán lín chéng shì 园林城市), which tops all others in both the number and the artistry of gardens. Dating from Pi Jiang Garden (pì jiāng yuán 辟疆园) of the Eastern Jing Dynasty (dōng jìn 东晋), Suzhou's art of gardening has undergone a history of 1, 500 years. There were once over 200 gardens in the city,and 69 of them are still in good preservation today. The concept of Suzhou classical gardens has gone beyond the city limits,since it generally refers to all those private gardens built in the  south of the Yangtze River (cháng jiāng 长江).

The Suzhou garden originated from the desire to retire from the strife of officialdom (guān chǎng 官场) and to shun (bì miǎn 避免) from worldly affairs. It seeks the return to Nature and the cultivation of temperament (xìng qíng 性情). In Taoist (dào jiào 道教) philosophy and the refinement of culture underlies the theme of the garden. Hills and waters,flowers and trees,pavilion, terraces,towers and halls constitute the basic garden elements,while the prominent tone is expressed in the dark colour of roof tiles,the grey of bricks,and chestnut (lì shù 栗树) brown of wooden pillars.

Classical GardenSuzhou garden is the Nature in nutshell ,which enables one to "feel the charm of mountains,forest and springs without going out of the noisy surroundings of the town". Its human interest also lies in that the architect, philosopher, poet, painter, and common folk can all find in it the idea,the flavour,the lines and the rhythm. The unfolding of the garden vistas (yuǎn jǐng 远景) is the verisimilitude (bī zhēn 逼真) of a landscape scroll. When enjoying tea, poem,flower arrangement or playing musical instrument in the garden,one gains the most natural inspiration. To those tourists desiring to understand China, Suzhou garden is the best museum.

Local chronicles reveal that during its heyday (fán róng 繁荣), Suzhou city held nearly 200 gardens, topping the whole nation. Suzhou gardens have their own characteristics in layout, structure and style.The Four Classical Gardens of Suzhou, i.e.The Surging Waves Pavilion (cāng làng ting 沧浪亭), The Lion Grove Garden (shī zi lín 狮子林), The Humble Administrator's Garden (zhuō zhèng yuán 拙政园) and The Lingering Garden (liú yuán 留园) represent the different styles of Song (sòng 宋朝), Yuan (yuán 元朝), Ming (míng 明朝) and Qing (qīng 清朝) Dynasties.

      作为苏州古典园林典型例证的拙政园、留园、网师园和环秀山庄,产生于苏州私家园林发展的鼎盛时期,以其意境深远、构筑精致、艺术高雅、文化内涵丰富而成为苏州众多古典园林的典范和代表。苏州以园林见长让人感叹园艺的巧夺天工.以拙政园,留园,网师园,环秀山庄为代表的古典园林于1997年12月被列入“世界文化与自然遗产名录”。 2000年增补沧浪亭、狮子林、耦园、艺圃、退思园为世界文化遗产。其中沧浪亭、狮子林、拙政园和留园分别代表着宋(公元960~1276年)、元(公元1271~1368年)、明(公元1368~1644年)、清(公元1644~1911年)四个朝代的艺术风格,被称为苏州“四大名园”。苏州园林代表了中国私家园林的风格和艺术水平,是不可多得的旅游胜地。

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