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Extensive Reading 火锅底料中的化学添加剂可能致癌 Hotpot's hidden chemical hazards

Profile:火锅底料中的化学添加剂可能致癌 Hotpot's hidden chemical hazards
中国人向来爱吃火锅,但是中安在线的一份调查却显示,现在的火锅已经变成危险的“化学锅”。王先生曾经是一家火锅店的大厨,现在转行当起了商人。他 说自己不当大厨的原因就是火锅里化学添加剂使用泛滥,让他不想昧着良心做事。他说:“现在市场上80%多的火锅,都包含化学底料。这些底料不但降低了锅底 的成本,同时还让火锅闻起来更香。”


Hotpot's hidden chemical hazards

The popular Chinese dish of hotpot is a dangerous chemical brew, according to an investigation by anhuinews.com. A former hotpot chef turned businessman, Mr. Wang, said he quit his restaurant job because the rampant use of chemicals went against his conscience. "More than 80 percent of hotpots contain chemical additives that not only lower the cost but also make the food smell more appetizing," Wang said.

All kinds of chemical additives can be found in Zhougudui market in Hefei, the capital of Anhui Province. One shop owner claimed just a drop of a chemical called "pot fragrance" would make a hotpot smell delicious. But health experts warn that additives can harm internal organs and cause cancer.


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