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Extensive Reading 工伤界定范围扩大 Work-related injury redefined

Profile:工伤界定范围扩大 Work-related injury redefined


新修改的《工伤保险条例》规定,职工上下班途中无论在何处受到事故伤害,均可视做工伤 处理。据新华社报道,之前的《工伤保险条例》草案仅将职工上下班途中遭遇机动车伤害视为工伤,而修改后的草案则将涉及城市轨道交通、客运轮渡、火车等非机 动车交通事故也考虑进来,若受伤职工无主要责任将会得到工伤赔偿。此外,草案还扩大了工伤保险适用范围,要求除企业和商户外,事业单位、社会团体,以及民 办非企业单位、基金会、律师事务所、会计师事务所等组织也要为员工提供工伤保险。


据《华西都市报》报道,张艺谋筹备了四年的新片《金陵十三钗》的男主角已锁定莱昂纳 多·迪卡普里奥。据了解,张艺谋以及制片张伟平之所以选择迪卡普里奥,主要是因为他目前在中国的高人气。这部电影改编自知名作家严歌苓的同名小说,讲述的 是一群风尘女子面对1937年南京大屠杀的故事。


《扬子晚报》消息,因无力偿还120万元的债务,江苏省扬州市一户家庭一家三口两次集 体自杀。他们先是在12月7日服用了200多粒安眠药,并利用家里的煤气自杀。他们被这家父亲的同事发现后送到医院,挽回了性命。次日,他们又持刀割喉, 一起“自刎”,幸亏被邻居发现,才被救活。


据《人民日报》消息,辽宁一名官员抢夺记者的相机,并威胁试图报道此事的其他记者。葫 芦岛昌建县政法委副书记钟继祥带领其他干部抢夺了《瞭望东方周刊》记者王立三的相机,媒体记者就此给钟继祥打电话求证,却被对方威胁说要他们的命。钟继祥 称此事属实,但已经道歉,不过公众认为他并没有诚意。



Work-related injury redefined

A revision of the Regulation on Work-Related Injury Insurance now classifies any injury that occurs on a person's commute to work as a work-related injury, regardless of where it occurs, Xinhua reports. Before, only people who were involved in motor vehicle accidents could claim work-related injuries. Now, non-motor vehicle accidents, such as those that happen on urban railways, ferries or trains, will also be considered, and victims will be compensated if they are not responsible for the accidents. The law now also applies to more institutions. Previously, only business employers were obliged to pay the premium, but now public institutions, social groups, non-profit organizations, foundations, law firms and accounting firms will also provide their employees with work-related injury insurance.

Leonardo DiCaprio in Zhang Yimou's film

Zhang Yimou's new film "Thirteen Girls in Jinling City," which has been in production for 4 years, features Leonardo DiCaprio as the star, the West China City Daily reported. It's reported that Zhang Yimou and the producer Zhang Weiping choose DiCaprio because he is very popular in China now. The film is adapted from the celebrated writer Yan Geling's novel of the same name, about the experiences of a group of prostitutes during the 1937 Nanjing Massacre.

Family of 3 attempts suicide twice

Three family members from Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, attempted to commit suicide twice when they were unable to pay a 1.2-million-yuan debt, Yangtze Evening Post reports. They first took more than 200 sleeping pills and attempted to gas themselves on Tuesday, but were rushed to the hospital after the father's colleague discovered them. They were saved by neighbors the next day after slitting their throats.

Gov't official threatens reporters

A government official in Liaoning Province snatched a journalist's camera and threatened reporters who tried to investigate the incident, the People's Daily reports. Zhong Jixiang, deputy chief of the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee in the city of Huludao, ordered subordinates to seize a camera from Wang Lisan, a journalist with the Orient Outlook Weekly. Later, when reporters telephoned Zhong for his side of the story, he responded with death threats. Zhong has since apologized, but the public are not convinced by his contrition.

World's 3rd tallest skyscraper

Wuhan's largest modern service complex -- Wuhan Greenland International Financial City and Greenland Center began construction on Dec 8, Chinanews.com.cn reports. The center of the complex will boast a 606-meter building, which is the third tallest skyscraper after Dubai Tower (800 meters) and Shanghai Center (632 meters).


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