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Extensive Reading 艾滋感染者仍然遭歧视

中新社消息,中国疾控中心性艾中心昨日发布的一项报告显示,中国艾滋病病毒感染者在就业、就医、保险、教育等方面受到明显歧视。在被调查的1877 位感染者中,有14.8%求职时被拒,12.1%至少有一次被医疗机构拒诊,12.2%遭保险公司拒保,9.1%被保险公司拒赔,9%感染者的健康子女被 迫辍学。


Discrimination against HIV 'obvious'

A report released yesterday by the National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention said HIV carriers in China face "obvious" discrimination in employment, medical service, insurance and education, China News Service reports. Of the 1,877 HIV-positive people surveyed, 14.8 percent have been refused employment, 12.1 percent have been refused medical service at least once, 12.2 percent have been rejected by insurance companies, 9.1 percent have been refused insurance compensation and 9 percent have had healthy children drop out of school.

In a letter to the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, 81 people affected with HIV advocated revision of the current civil service standards to protect equal employment opportunities, China Youth Daily reports.


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