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Extensive Reading Lesson 133

据新华社报道,周六,在北京举行的中国嘉德秋季拍卖会上,书法家王羲之一款罕见的手书摹本卖了3.08亿元。在中国内地艺术市场历史上,这样的拍价 名列第二,仅次于书法家黄庭坚的手书卷《砥柱铭》,后者在去年卖了4.368亿元。据中国嘉德副总裁胡妍妍介绍,这款手书原件的摹本包括9列,后来被分割 成两部分。周六拍出的为上半部分,包括4列,共41字。




据新华社报道,国家计算机病毒应急处理中心发现,一种新型病毒已对国内许多手机用户造 成影响。这种病毒名为“僵尸网络之进化”,和游戏应用程序捆绑在一起。此游戏一旦下载下来并开始运行,病毒就自动发送含有病毒链接的短信进行自我传播,并 接受指令盗取手机用户的个人数据信息。专家表示,这种病毒很难删除,建议手机用户保持警惕。


据新华社报道,周四,浙江省仙居县地方法院判定,用水银颗粒填充靠枕的床上用品制造商 须赔偿蔡氏家庭262124元。2007年4月,蔡氏夫妇购买了由佛山市斯帝罗兰实业发展有限公司制造的一整套床上用品。约14个月后,他们在靠枕里发现 了水银粒,他们的儿子中毒严重。他们遂将床上用品的生产商和销售商告上了法庭。


据《成都晚报》报道, 周六下午,一名大一女生在寝室厕所内生下一个孩子。医生推测该女生小维在今年2月时就已怀有身孕,但其入学体检并未查出她怀有身孕,她也从未缺席过学校军训。

Ancient scroll sells for 308 million

A rare hand scroll by calligrapher Wang Xizhi was sold Saturday for 308 million yuan at the autumn auction of China Guardian in Beijing, Xinhua reports. The price was the second-highest in the history of Chinese mainland's art market, after calligrapher Huang Tingjian's hand scroll "Pillar Ming" which sold for 436.8 million yuan last year. According to China Guardian Vice President Hu Yanyan, the copy of the original script had nine lines and was later divided into two parts. The item at Saturday's auction was the first half, with four lines and 41 characters.

Gansu to standardize culture-makers

Gansu Province hopes to protect its culture by applying several provincial specialties to become regulated by national vocational qualification exam. If approved, people hoping to become Lanzhou beef noodles chefs and Linxia brick carvers must first pass the exam before qualifying to work.

New virus targets cell phone users

The National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center has found a new virus affecting a lot of cell phone users in China, Xinhua reports. The virus, called Zombie Network: Evolution, is attached to a game application. Upon downloading and running the game, the virus automatically spreads itself by sending messages containing viral links and receives instructions to steal the user's personal data. Experts say the virus is hard to delete and advised mobile phone users to stay alert.

'Mercury bedware' maker fined

A local court in Xianju County, Zhejiang Province, ruled Thursday that the bedware maker that stuffed pillows with mercury beads shall compensate the Cai family for 262,124 yuan. In April 2007, the Cais bought a bed set manufactured by Foshan Steel-Land Industry Development. About 14 months later, they found mercury beads in the pillows, and their son was seriously poisoned. They sued the bedware maker and the shop that sold it.

Freshman gives birth in dormitory

A freshman at a college gave birth Saturday afternoon in her dormitory bathroom, Chengdu Evening News reports. Doctors speculate she became pregnant in February, though her entrance physical did not reveal her pregnancy. The student, who goes by the name Xiaowei, also never missed a military training class.


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