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Communicate in Chinese 交际汉语 Lesson 13 Repairing the bicycle

Profile:Communicate in Chinese 交际汉语 Lesson 13 Repairing the bicycle
会话 A
小江:是啊,是新买的二手车,才80 块!
李红:修完车就变成120 块了。
小江:对不起,李老师。我一骑自行车就兴奋,我也成为“自行车一 族”了,真过瘾!
(School bicycle repaired corner.)
Xiao Jiang: Master, I would like to get my bike repaired.
A: Hello, what’s the problem with your bike?
Xiao Jiang: My bike’s bell doesn’t ring, front brake doesn’t work, there’s no air in the rear tyre. And, the mud
flaps start making noises as soon as I ride the bike.
A: I understand, your bike makes noises everywhere except for the bell.
Xiao Jiang: Yes, right, please help me fix it.
Li Hong: (pushing bike along) Hey, isn’t that Xiao Jiang? Xiao Jiang, what are you doing here?
Xiao Jiang: Teacher Li, I’m getting my bike fixed. Are you here for bike repairs too?
Li Hong: My bike’s out of air, I’m getting it pumped up. Where’s the bike pump, Master?
Xiao Jiang: Teacher Li, I’m stronger, I’ll help you pump !
(Li Hong and Xiao Jiang are pushing bikes along the road of the school.)
Li Hong: Is this the new bike you bought?
Xiao Jiang: Yes, it’s a newly bought second hand bike,only 80 Yuan!
Li Hong: After repairs the bike is now 120 Yuan.
Xiao Jiang: That makes sense, better off buying a new bike.
(riding bikes.)
Li Hong: Xiao Jiang,ride slower, I can hardly keep up. You’re riding a mountain bike, it goes faster.
Xiao Jiang: Sorry, Teacher Li. I get excited as soon as I ride a bike. Now I’m part of the “bike people”, it feels terrific!
Li Hong: Xiao Jiang, have you paid tax on your bike yet?
Xiao Jiang: I haven’t yet. Tomorrow I’m going to pay (tax).
Li Hong: I think you also need to buy a bike basket.
Xiao Jiang: Right, I forgot to buy one just now.
会话 B
甲:山地车一小时10 元,您租多长时间?
Liz: Master, do you hire out bikes here?
A: Yes, we hire out bikes. What sort of bike would you like to hire? Men’s bike? Women’s bike? Mountain bike or racing bike?
Liz: So many types. Of course I want a women’s bike! Beijing has so many overpasses, I’d better hire a mountain bike!
A: Mountain bikes cost 10 Yuan per hour, how long are you hiring it for?
Liz: Three hours.
A: Please pay 300 Yuan deposit. What colour would you like?
Liz: The red one over there!

Cultural Background
China -- Kingdom of bicycles
It's a well-known fact that China is the kingdom of bicycles. All around China there are hundreds of millions of bikes that appear on the streets and alleys each day, it's become an essential means of transport for China's citizens to go to work and shopping everyday. Every day in the morning and in the evening, you'll often see congested streets in cities across China, the sea of bicycles is something not often seen by overseas tourists in other countries. Bikes make up an important component of urban second hand bike traffic. For many years, the humble bike was the trusty method of transport for people. People ride bikes to go to work, school and shopping. Its main characteristics are:
1. Convenience, flexibility and easy to maneuver in traffic;
2. Economical, easy to fix;
3. Environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and good for fitness.
A reasonable distance for bike rides is within ten kilometers. Most urban residents choose to ride their bikes within this distance and hence almost every household has at least one bike. Bicycles are sold in all major stores. Also, you will find specialty bicycle stores in busy commercial areas, where you can choose from normal bikes, mountain bikes, racing bikes, and electric bikes. Normally bikes' prices range from 300~500 Yuan, whereas mountain bikes can cost anything from 700 Yuan to 1900 Yuan, or even more. There are a few ways to buy second hand bikes:
1. In the school second hand bikes can be bought from classmates or acquaintances;
2. Beijing also has some used dealers that sell second hand bikes.
3. Internet sales of second hand bikes are now popular too.
Short-term Beijing tourists can hire bikes after paying a deposit of around 20~30 Yuan per day, many hotels offer bike hire services. Seeing China's streets, alleys and quaint hutongs on two wheels is much more enjoyable and offers a much more in-depth experience than a tour in a taxi. Should you decide to stay in Beijing for a while, and decide to buy a bike as a means of transport, don't forget to pay your bike tax. You can ask the sales person where to pay the tax when you buy the bike. Remember to abide by traffic rules when riding on the streets, normally the wider streets would have special bike.

Language Points
1、"除了……都……" — here "除了" means that aside from..., there is something else, so it is often paired with "还" or "also".
For example:
a. Aside from English, he also knows French and German.
b. Besides being able to ride the bicycle, he also knows how to drive.
2、"才" means just, the time has not been long or something does not cost much.
For example:
"He just got up at 8 o'clock." or "This bike is only 80 Yuan."(indicates it is cheap)
3、“一……就……” "就" means only. There is no alternative or almost no room for choice.
For example:
a. Just one bike.
b. Just one pair of this sized shoes left."
"一……就……" sometimes denotes the successive occurrence of two events; the first portion states the condition, the latter states the result.
For example:
a. As soon as I ride a bicycle I get excited.
b. As soon as I'm in class I get sleepy.
c. As soon as I finish classes I go to play ball sports.
4、"你买……了吗?" — asked if the act is already finished, "已经" or "already" can be added.
For example:
I've already eaten.
5、"什么颜色的?" — "What colour?" Here the noun "bike" after the "的" has been left out.
For example:
a. The tall one (person).
b. The red one (vehicle, hat).

Substitutional Drills
As soon as holidays started they went travelling.
Whenever he gets excited he sings.
Whenever it snows, the road is slippery.
Aside from Xiao Jiang who is studying in the classroom,where have all the others gone to play?
Aside from the grammar books, the other books are all sold out.
Aside from two tables, only chairs remain.
Where is Xiao Jiang?
Where is the book?
Where is the bank?
Where is the store?


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