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Music night tonight – Man and woman singing in harmony – “只能抱著你 (Can just hold you)”

Profile:Music night tonight – Man and woman singing in harmony – “只能抱著你 (Can just hold you)”
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As I said in the title, it’s a music night tonight. Come relax with me in a lovely mandarin song about the feelings that grow out of nowher between a man and a woman.

A woman gets hurt by her lover and seeks comfort in another man’s company. It looked like a safe relationship but it’s not. Slowly the woman started to doubt her love for her lover. Who knows, the feelings started to change…

Listen to the song now to see if you can understand what’s in it?

Enjoy, my friends!


Lyrics: ruì yè Music: guāng liáng Compose: liáng bó jūn
Lyrics:瑞业 Music:光良 Compose:梁伯君

hǎo xiǎng zhèyàng bào zhe nǐ wǒ zhīdào nǐ yǒuxiē zàiyì
好想这样抱着你 我知道你有些在意
Want to hold you so much, I know you do mind

gěi tā shāng le xīn cái xiǎngdào kěyǐ zhǎo nǐ
给他伤了心 才想到可以找你
only after being hurt by him, I can think about you

hǎo xiǎng zhèyàng bào zhe nǐ wǒ zhīdào nǐ xiànzài shāngxīn
好想这样抱着你 我知道你现在伤心
Want to hold you so much, I know you’re blue now

xiǎng yǒurén péi nǐ zhǐshì rúcǐ éryǐ
想有人陪你 只是如此而已
Just wanna give you company, nothing else

nǐ zhīdào wǒ míngliǎo bào zhe nǐ
你知道 我明了 抱着你
I know, I understand, I’m holding you

wǒ( nǐ) de lèi què wéi tā ér diào
我(你) 的泪 却为他而掉
Yet my (your) tears fall for him

nǐ zhīdào wǒ míngliǎo bào zhe nǐ wēnxí yōngbào
你知道 我明了 抱着你 温习拥抱
You know, I know, hold you, practice hugging

nǐ zhīdào wǒ míngliǎo bào zhe nǐ wǒ de xīn yǒuxiē dòngyáo
你知道 我明了 抱着你 我的心有些动摇
You know, I know, hold you, my heart is

nǐ yǒude hǎo tā zuòbùdào( tā yǒude hǎo wǒ zuòbùdào)
你有的好 他做不到(他有的好 我做不到)
The things you are good at, he isn’t. (The things he’s good at, I’m not)

hái xiǎng tā( yěxǔ tā) kěnéng děng wǒ huíjiā( děng nǐ huíjiā)
·还想他(也许他) 可能等我回家(等你回家)
Still think he (maybe he) might be waiting for me to be back home (waiting for you to be back)

zài wǒmen( nǐmen) xiāngshí de lóuxià
在我们(你们) 相识的楼下
Downstairs at wher we (you) met

hái xiǎng tā( yěxǔ tā) kěnéng bō wǒ diànhuà( bō nǐ diànhuà)
还想他(也许他) 可能拨我电话(拨你电话)
Still think he (maybe he) might call me (call you)

left a message

hái ài tā( nǐ ài tā) wǒ cóngméi huáiyí guò( méi huáiyí guò)
还爱他(你爱他) 我从没怀疑过(没怀疑过)
Still love him (you love him) I never doubt about it (never doubt)

jīnwǎn xīndǐ de zhēngzhá wǒ bù shuō nǐ míngbai ma
今晚心底的挣扎 我不说你明白吗
The stuggle in my mind tonight, would you understand if I don’t tell?

zhǐnéng zhèyàng bào zhe nǐ wǒ zhīdào nǐ yǒuxiē zàiyì
只能这样抱着你 我知道你有些在意
Can only hold you like this, I know you do mind

gěi tā shāng le xīn cái xiǎngdào kěyǐ zhǎo nǐ
给他伤了心 才想到可以找你
only after being hurt by him, I can think about you

zhǐnéng zhèyàng bào zhe nǐ wǒ zhīdào nǐ xiànzài shāngxīn
只能这样抱着你 我知道你现在伤心
only after being hurt by him, I know you’re blue now

xiǎng yǒurén péi nǐ zhǐshì rúcǐ éryǐ
想有人陪你 只是如此而已
Just wanna give you company, nothing else

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