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第七课 上健身馆 Lesson Seven: Going to a Gym (1)

Profile:第七课 上健身馆 Lesson Seven: Going to a Gym (1)
(In the office, PK drops a few items on his desk. His attention is drawn to a colleague of his who seems sad.)

PK: Are you ok?

Joanna: Yah! 

(Joanna doesn't seem to be happy though.)

PK: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so the saying goes, but come to think of it, what if the games you choose to play don't involve much of physical activities?

(PK points to his left wher one of his colleagues is playing a solitaire on his computer.)

PK: Or your work schedule leaves you no room to join your friends for a football match, some running or whatever sport is it that you like. 

Joanna: That’s when a gym comes in handy. 

PK: Having said that...how about taking you to one of my favorite gyms here in Beijing. Let’s go.

(PK goes for his back pack that got everything he needs for the gym and heads for the door.)

(Inside a gym-Afternoon)

PK: I know maybe you are wondering why I brought you here. For one, I needed some company and two I needed some one to pick up a few Chinese phrases I will be dropping along the way.

(PK is at the gym reception waiting to be checked in.)

Receptionist: 你好!欢迎来到我们健身会馆。

PK: 你好,这是我的会员卡,我的会员卡什么时候到期?

GRAPHIC FLASH: 我的会员卡什么时候到期?我的 my, 会员卡 means membership card, 什么时候 when, 到期 means expire, the fourth tone and the first tone, together, 我的会员卡什么时候到期?When will my membership card expire?

Receptionist: 您的卡明年六月到期。

PK: 明年六月?这么说它还能用?

GRAPHIC FLASH: 这么说它还能用?这么说 that’s to say, 它 it, 还 still, 能用 means valid, together 这么说它还能用?That’s to say it’s still valid.

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