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Chinese Idiom:乐不思蜀 (lè bù sī shǔ)

Profile:乐不思蜀 (lè bù sī shǔ)
Liu Shan (líu shàn刘禅), son of Liu Bei (líu bèi 刘备), was ruler of the kingdom of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms Period (sān guó 三国时代,220-280AD). He was a coward who cared only about amusing himself and knew nothing about ruling a country.

One time, the kingdom of Wei attacked Shu and took Liou Shan prisoner.

The people of Wei gave Liou Shan the title "Duke of peace and Happiness", and took him to live in their capital. Liou Shan had so much fun in the Wei capital that he soon forgot he was the ruler of a defeated kingdom. One day, Sz-ma Jau, a very powerful Wei general, invited Liou Shan over to dinner. Sz-ma Jau intenetionally hired some people to perform traditional Shu songs and plays at dinner, in order to insult Liou Shan. When Liou Shan's subordinates heard the music and saw the plays of their homeland, they grew very sad. only Liou Shan was completely unaffected, and continued drinking wine and being merry. When Sz-ma Jau asked him,"Don't you miss Shu?" Liou Shan laughed and replied, "I'm having so much fun here; of course I don't miss Shu." And so Sz-ma Jau had even less respect for Liou Shan.

Today, when a person is enjoying himself so much that he forgets about his home and his work, we can say that he "is having so much fun that he has forgotten about Shu."

“乐不思蜀”是起源于我国三国时代的故事。刘备去世后,由儿子刘禅继位,刘禅的小名叫阿斗,是个愚笨无能的人。一开始,由于有诸葛亮等有才能的人辅佐,所 以还没有什么大问题。后来,这些贤人先后去世,蜀国也就很快的被魏国灭了,刘禅因此投降被俘。他投降后,被安排到魏国的京城许昌居住,并且封为安乐公。有 一次,魏国的大将军司马昭请他喝酒,当筵席进行得酒酣耳热时。司马昭说:“安乐公,您离开蜀地已经很久了,因此我今天特别安排了一场富有蜀国地方色彩的舞 蹈,让你回味回味啊!“这场舞蹈跳得刘禅身旁的部属们非常难过,更加想念他们的家乡。然而唯独安乐公刘禅依然谈笑自若,丝毫没有难过的表情。司马昭问道: “你还想不想回西蜀的家乡呢?”刘禅答道:“这里有歌有舞,又有美酒好喝,我怎么舍得回西蜀国呢!”很不错的事唷!

乐不思蜀 (lè bù sī shǔ)
【翻译】To Have So Much Fun That One Forgets about Shu.


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