指系在老虎脖子上的铃铛,需要系上去的人解下来。比喻谁引起的麻烦,由那个人去解决。It is that the bell on a tiger’s nec......
口若悬河指讲起话来像瀑布一样滔滔不绝。形容能言善辩,也比喻十分健谈。"口若悬河" refers to "one's speech is like a......
惊弓之鸟被指弓箭吓怕了的鸟。比喻受过惊吓或者打击的人,遇到类似的情况,就会惊恐不安。惊弓之鸟 is a metaphor for someon......
乐不思蜀:指在新环境中得到快乐,不愿意回到原来的环境中去。“乐不思蜀(lèbùsīshǔ)” means someone is indulging hims......
门可罗雀指大门外没什么人来来往往,安静得都可以弄一张网捕雀了。形容门庭十分冷落,宾客稀少。It is extended to indicate ......
盲人摸象指不能只看到事物的一部分,而应看全局才能了解事物的全面和真实情况。It is that one must not only see a part of s......
老马识途是老马认识以前走过的路。比喻有经验的人熟悉情况,能起到一定的指引作用。This proverb refers to the value of exp......
名落孙山是名字落在榜末孙山的后面,指考试或选拔没有被录取。名落孙山 means the person's name is still after the la......
“毛遂自荐”比喻自告奋勇,自己推荐自己担任某项工作。“毛遂自荐” means one who voluntarily offers to undertake a cert......
一叶障目是眼睛被一片树叶挡住。比喻某人被眼前小的事物蒙蔽,看不到事物的整体和本质。It literally means one's view ......
羊丢失了之后再去修羊圈,还不算晚。比喻人们一旦犯了错误,立即改正,就能减少错误。As long as we seek to remedy what we ......
Shǔ yī shǔ èr means someone or something is extraordinarily good. Here shǔ is to count. Yī and èr means one an......
Yì yán nán jìn means it's a long story to tell. Here yì yán means one word. Nán jìn means hard to tell. ......
Foreigners often make some strange mistakes in Chinese when they study the most difficult language--- ---Chinese. We ......
Learning Chinese idoms is so interesting.“退避三舍”(Tuìbì Sānshè) means to retreat to avoid a conflict....
let's learning new idioms:举案齐眉(jǔ àn qí méi).It means to hold the tray up to the eyebrows....
Chinese idioms are so interesting. Let's learn a new idioms:爱屋及乌. It means that love me, love my dog....
Learning Chinese idoms is so interesting.鸡鸣狗盗is to crow like a cock and steal like a dog. It is used as a figure ......
Learning Chinese idoms is so interesting.三顾茅庐 refers to Liu Bei asking Zhuge Liang to help him three times. It......
Learning Chinese is so interesting. 走马观花means to have a cursory observation or inattentively go through the motio......