轩辕黄帝为中华民族始祖,人文初祖,中国远古时期部落联盟首领。黄帝(英文:The huangdi;Yellow emperor)(前2697-前2599年)号轩辕氏,出生、创业和建都于有熊(今河南新郑),故亦称有熊氏,因有土德之瑞,故号黄帝。他首先统一中华民族的伟绩而载入史册。他播百谷草木,大力发展生产,创造文字,始制衣冠,建造舟车,发明指南车,定算数,制音律,创医学等。与炎帝、蚩尤同为中华民族的祖先,居五帝之首。有《黄帝内经》传世。
The Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan is the earliest ancestor of Chinese civilization and of the tribe leader of China in remote antiquity. The Yellow Emperor (2697 BC - 2599 BC) was born in Youxiong (now Xinzheng, Henan province), wher he started his career and located the capital city. His courtesy name is Xuanyuan-shi, also known as Youxiong-shi. The title "Yellow" was given to his name because referring to the five traditional elements, the color of earth was associated with his ruling era at the time. Thus, Xuanyuan gained the pseudonym of "the Yellow Emperor". His great achievement of unifying all Chinese ethic groups has been recorded, as well as his other achievements, including cultivating various kinds of plants, focusing on agricultural production, creating Chinese character writing system, creating clothes and hats, building boats and vehicles, inventing the south pointing chariots, inventing calculations, making sound laws and traditional Chinese medicines. As the top of the Five Emperors of Chinese ancestors, including Emperor Yan and Chi You, Xuanyuan is said to have authored The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor.
Major achievements: the earliest ancestor of Chinese civilization and the first one unified Chinese nation