The Effects of Smog on People’s Health Are Yet to Seen

My fellow colleague from Hong Kong once conducted research that if 10 micrograms of PM2.5 were increased per cubic meter, the hospitalization rate would increase by 3.1 percent. If PM2.5 increased from 25 micrograms to 200 micrograms, the death rate per day could increase by 11 percent. Smog effects not only the respiratory system, but also the cardiovascular system, blood vessels in the brain and nervous system. Of course, the respiratory system is the first to bear the brunt of it.
It's very alarming that the number of lung cancer patients has increased by 60 percent during the past 10 years in Beijing. It's safe to say that air pollution has been a very important factor in such a situation. Therefore, I believe that people will develop diseases such as sore throats, nasal inflammation and eye infections/dry eyes. In the long run, the harmful effects that smog has on people's health are yet to be seen.