Beading detail is shown on a Catherine Walker burgundy velvet sheath with embroidered tailcoat worn for the State visit to Korea in 1992 by Britain's Princess Diana, at the Kerry Taylor auction rooms in London, Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013. The dress estimated to realise 40,000-60,000 pounds ( 62,000-93,000 US Dollars) will be sold in the Fit For a Princess auction in London on March 19. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
戴安娜王妃礼服将在英拍卖 价值近千万
一件件华丽的礼服让人们不禁再度回想起王妃优雅的身影。其中一件深蓝色紧身礼服更是1985年戴安娜王妃随夫访美时与美国演员约翰?特拉沃尔塔(John Travolta)在白宫共舞时所穿。在当时的白宫宴会上,戴安娜王妃与因出演电影《周末夜狂热》(Saturday Night Fever)而红极一时的约翰?特拉沃尔塔翩翩起舞,征服②了所有美国人的心。历经岁月的沉淀,每件礼服背后也都有着一段不平凡的故事。这些典雅的礼服大多由戴妃生前最宠爱的设计师布鲁斯?奥德菲尔德(Bruce Oldfield)和凯瑟琳?沃克(Catherine Walker)设计。1997年,美国女商人邓克尔(Maureen Rorech Dunkel)曾作为投资买下这些礼服,而戴安娜王妃当年不幸离世后,她将这些礼服展出,为慈善机构筹钱。而目前即将进行的拍卖则是因为遇到融资困难③。
词语解释 Notes to the Words:
① 拍卖: v. to auction
② 征服: v. to conquer
③ 困难: n. difficulty
Princess Diana's Dresses Go up for Auction
Ten iconic dresses worn by Diana, Princess of Wales, are expected to fetch more than ?600,000 when they are auctioned off in London on Tuesday.
The collection includes the midnight blue velvet gown by Victor Edelstein, which Diana wore to a 1985 state dinner at the White House where she danced with John Travolta.
According to auctioneer Kerry Taylor, the image of the late Princess dancing with the Saturday Night Fever star was a "very important" one, especially in America.
"This was the first trip that the young couple, Prince Charles and Diana, had made to America together, and everywhere they went, thousands of people came out to cheer them," she said.
The ten dresses were originally sold in a charity auction in New York in June 1997, at Diana's request, just two months before she died.
Ms Taylor added that the gowns showed the way in which Diana's style had evolved: "The ones from the 1990s show a very confident, very sexy, very self-assured woman, whereas the earlier dresses show this sort of sweet little girl, this little ingénue."