周维是此次东方演艺集团企业改革诞生的三位总监之一,其他两位分别是行政和人力资源总监。谈及此次改革,中国东方演艺集团董事长、总经理顾欣说:“2013年,在全国两会胜利闭幕, 国内外形势深刻变化,既面临难得的历史机遇,也面临诸多风险挑战的宏观形势下,中国东方演艺集团推出了关乎集团前途和命运的一系列重要改革措施。”

Famous Erhu artist Zhou Wei has been appointed artistic director of China Oriental Performing Arts Group Limited Company after a fierce competition.
Zhou was one of three directors elected during this round of new appointments along with an administrative and human resource director.
Talking about the appointments, Gu Xin, the company's chairman of the board, said, "After 2013 NPC & CPPCC sessions, great changes occurred at home and abroad. We met great opportunities and some new challenges under the new circumstances. We have had to put forward a series of important reforms that are associated with the future and fate of our company."
The judges included specialists invited from outside the company as well as company employees. Fifteen representative artists and five administrative staffers also participated in the selection process.
China Oriental Performing Arts Group Limited Company became an enterprise in 2009. It is the first state-owned culture company to undergo such a transition.