A 10-year-old girl who practices ballet under light of a street lamp every evening in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, has become a regular phenomenon among passers-by. |
据《华西都市报》报道,四川省成都市一名10岁小女孩每天在路灯下练习芭蕾,已经成为 街头一景,吸引了众多路人眼光。女孩名叫姚启凤,自小就爱跳舞,但她家庭经济能力无法送她去常规舞蹈班。姚启凤曾经短暂参加过芭蕾班,在那里她仅用1年的 时间就取得了芭蕾4级证书,而一般人需要3年。为了省钱,之后她退了班,通过DVD教程学习,并在路灯下练习。小姚希望明年能够考上解放军艺术学院,因为 考上可以免学费,并且实现自己的梦想。
据新华社报道,中国国家气象中心今日宣布,超强台风“鲇鱼”有望于周二进入南海。于此 同时,海南省连降暴雨,迫使14万人转移。气象中心已向南海区域的船只发出了警告。“鲇鱼”可能是中国今年迎来的最强台风。它已于今日上午登陆菲律宾北 部。它带来了强降雨,席卷菲律宾北部,引发特大洪水,数千人被迫转移,飞往菲律宾北部的航班也取消。“鲇鱼”是今年第13号台风,其最大风力高达每小时 260千米,为西北太平洋地区自1990年以来的最强台风,在世界范围来说其也是年度最强台风。
据《广州日报》报道,前日,广州3岁男孩阿华惨被马蜂蜇死。当日,阿华跟随爷爷奶奶到 河边钓鱼。正在岸边玩耍的他忽然遭到一群马蜂的袭击,奶奶也被蜇伤。阿华爷爷赶紧将二人送至附近医院。在4个小时的治疗后,阿华不幸死亡,奶奶目前仍在住 院。据说阿华头部的蜇伤达100多处。
Chengdu ballerina practices in street
A 10-year-old girl who practices ballet under light of a street lamp every evening in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, has become a regular phenomenon among passers-by, West China Cosmopolitan Daily reports. Yao Qifeng developed a zeal for dancing since she was very young, but her family is too poor to afford regular dancing classes. Yao once took ballet lessons, obtaining a Level-4 ballet certificate in one year when it normally takes girls 3 years. She then quit and began following DVD instructions and practiced in the streets to save money. Yao hopes to attend the PLA Art Academy next year, which offers free education.
China drops bid for 2026 World Cup
China has dropped the option to bid for the 2026 FIFA World Cup, Lianhe Zaobao reports. AFC President Mohamed Bin Hammam confirmed the news, quoting Wei Di, chief of the China Football Association. Chinese football authorities said the chaos in Chinese football over the past year was an obstacle for China's bid to host the event.
China expecting super typhoon Megi
Super typhoon Megi is expected to enter the South China Sea Tuesday, China's National Meteorological Center said today, as torrential rains have already forced the evacuation of almost 140,000 people in Hainan Province, Xinhua reports. The meteorological center has issued warnings for vessels in the area. Possibly the strongest typhoon to hit China this year, Megi landed in the northern Philippines this morning, and flights bound there were canceled as typhoon Megi continues to dump heavy rain, causing flash floods and forcing thousands of people to evacuate. The 13th typhoon of the year is packing winds of up to 260 km per hour, which makes it the strongest typhoon to appear in the northwest Pacific since 1990 and the strongest typhoon of the year worldwide.
Record number swarm into Expo
More than 1 million people visited the Shanghai 2010 World Expo on Saturday, setting a new daily record, Xinhua reports. The total number of visitors since the Expo opened in May is now more than 65 million, the most ever for a World Expo.
Boy stung to death by wasps
A 3-year-old boy in Guangzhou was stung to death by wasps on Saturday while on a fishing trip with his grandparents, Guanghzou Daily reports. While he was playing by the riverbank, a swarm of wasps attacked him and his grandmother. They were rushed them to a nearby hospital, but the boy died after four hours of treatment; the grandmother remains hospitalized. Supposedly, the boy suffered more than 100 stings on his head.