![]() The world's first underground Automated People Mover System (APM) is set to meet the public in about 10 days. Guangzhou citizens can travel within the center of the city's central business district with only 2 yuan. |
据 《广州日报》报道,世界上第一条全地下的旅客自动输送系统(简称APM系统)再过10多天就可与广州市民见面了。届时,只需2元,市民便可以乘坐这条地铁 线穿行于广州CBD商圈中心。据介绍,该线路总长约3.94公里,共设9座车站。列车为原装美国进口,最高运行速度为60公里/时。每列车有两节车厢,无 驾驶室, 每次可搭载276人。目前为止,行车间隔时间尚未公布。
据新华社引述国家统计局消息,第三季度中国国内生产总值(GDP)同比增长9.6%, 增长势头比起一季度的11.9%和二季度的10.3%有所回落。作为通货膨胀指示灯的消费者价格指数(CPI),今年9月上浮3.6%,为2年以来的最高 增幅,环比8月,该指数上扬0.1个百分点。
全国降温 最高可降16℃
据新华社报道,中央气象台称,今年入秋以来最强冷空气将“横扫”我国大部地区。预计本 周四至周五,新疆气温将下降6℃,出现雨雪天气。本周六至下周二,中东部地区将出现大范围的大风降温和雨雪天气过程,气温普降6℃-10℃。华北、东北、 东南等地区降温幅度可达12℃-16℃。
Unmanned subway set to open
The world's first underground Automated People Mover System (APM) is set to meet the public in about 10 days, the Guangzhou Daily reports. Guangzhou citizens can travel within the center of the city's central business district with only 2 yuan. The route is 3.94 km long and has 9 stops. Its subway trains are imported from the United States, with the fastest speed reaching 60km/h. Having no cab, each subway train has two carriages and can carry 276 people each time. The interval between two trains hasn't been publicized yet.
GDP growth slows in third quarter
China's GDP is 9.6 percent greater than it was this time last year, Xinhua reports, citing China's National Bureau of Statistics. The growth rate slowed from 11.9 percent in the first quarter and 10.3 percent in the second quarter. The consumer price index, the main gauge for inflation, rose to a two-year high of 3.6 percent in September, or 0.1 percent higher than in August.
Visa policy won't be tightened
Eleven of the 44 Chinese tourists who deserted a cruise ship at South Korea's Jeju Island were deported and arrived in Shanghai yesterday afternoon; 33 others are still missing, the Beijing Morning Post reports. The incidents will not lead to a tightening of South Korea's visa policy for Chinese travelers, a staff member at South Korea's embassy in Beijing told the newspaper.
Astronomers find oldest galaxy yet
A reliable source told the Beijing News that the Ministry of Education has approved establishing South University of Science and Technology of China. The university, whose campus is now under construction in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, will adopt a new type of management mode in which professors are set to play a central role. It will be the first professor-governed higher education institution in China.
Temperatures to drop across nation
China's National Meteorological Center said a cold front will sweep across most regions of China, lowering temperatures further, Xinhua reports. Forecasters say Xinjiang will see light rain, showers or snowfall on Friday and Saturday, triggering a further 6-degree Celsius drop in temperatures. In middle and eastern China, temperatures could drop to 6 degrees Celsius to 10 degrees Celsius, bringing strong winds, rain and snow between Saturday and Tuesday. In northern, northeastern and southeastern China, temperatures may drop to 12 degrees Celsius to 16 degrees Celsius.