草原夜色美 (cǎo yuán yè sè měi)
Singer: 龚玥 (gōng yuè)
The Prairie Night is Beautiful
草原夜色美 The prairie night is beautiful
琴曲悠揚笛聲脆 The melody is haunting as the sound of the flute wanes
晚風吹送天河的星啊 The night wind blows and brings the Milky Way's stars
匯入氈房閃銀輝 Piercing through the tents with a shining silver light
啊..... 啊..... Ahhh..... Ahhh.....
晚風吹送天河的星啊 The night wind blows and brings the Milky Way's stars
匯入氈房閃銀輝 Piercing through the tents with a shining silver light
草原夜色美 The prairie night is beautiful
九天明月總相隨 The ninth heaven's bright moon is always following along
晚風輕拂綠色的夢啊 The night wind gently brushes away green-colored dreams
牛羊如雲落邊陲 Cows and sheep fall like clouds on the frontier border
啊..... 啊..... Ahhh..... Ahhh.....
晚風輕拂綠色的夢啊 The night wind gently brushes away green-colored dreams
牛羊如雲落邊陲 Cows and sheep fall like clouds on the frontier border
草原夜色美 The prairie night is beautiful
未舉金杯人已醉 Even without raising the metal wine cup one is already intoxicated
晚風唱着甜蜜的歌啊 The night wind sings a sweet song
輕騎踏月不忍歸 Silently riding under the moon one cannot bear to return home
啊..... 啊..... Ahhh..... Ahhh.....
晚風唱着甜蜜的歌啊 The night wind sings a sweet song
輕騎踏月不忍歸 Silently riding under the moon one cannot bear to return home
輕騎踏月不忍歸 Silently riding under the moon one cannot bear to return home
輕騎踏月不忍歸 Silently riding under the moon one cannot bear to return home