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Learn mandarin from singing while looking at lyrics – 容易受伤的女人 Fragile Woman [Intermediate]

Profile:Learn mandarin from singing while looking at lyrics – 容易受伤的女人 Fragile Woman [Intermediate]
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演唱: 王菲

留着你隔夜的吻 感觉不到你有多真

想你天色已黄昏 脸上还有泪痕

如果从此不过问 不想对你难舍难分

是否夜就不会冷 心就不会疼

颤抖的唇 等不到你的吻


希望 希望 希望你会心疼

我害怕一个人 为何不肯

轻轻唤我一声 安慰容易受伤的女人

为了你 我情愿 给一生

(你的眼神 烫伤我的青春)

黑夜里不敢点灯 是谁让我越陷越深

让我深爱过的人 越来越陌生


[traditional Chinese]

演唱: 王菲

留著你隔夜的吻 感覺不到你有多真

想你天色已黃昏 臉上還有淚痕

如果從此不過問 不想對你難捨難分

是否夜就不會冷 心就不會疼

顫抖的唇 等不到你的吻


希望 希望 希望你會心疼

我害怕一個人 為何不肯

輕輕喚我一聲 安慰容易受傷的女人

為了你 我情願 給一生

(你的眼神 燙傷我的青春)

黑夜裡不敢點燈 是誰讓我越陷越深

讓我深愛過的人 越來越陌生



róngyì shòushāng de nǚren

liú zhe nǐ géyè de wěn  gǎnjué bùdào nǐ yǒu duō zhēn
xiǎng nǐ tiānsè yǐ huánghūn  liǎn shàng háiyǒu lèihén
rúguǒ cóngcǐ bùguò wèn  bùxiǎng duì nǐ nán shě nán fēn
shìfǒu yè jiù bùhuì lěng  xīn jiù bùhuì téng

chàndǒu de chún  děng bùdào nǐ de wěn
yī gè róngyì shòushāng de nǚren
xīwàng  xīwàng  xīwàng nǐ huì xīnténg
wǒ hàipà yīgèrén  wèihé bù kěn
qīngqīng huàn wǒ yīshēng  ānwèi róngyì shòushāng de nǚren
wèile nǐ  wǒ qíngyuàn  gěi yīshēng
( nǐ de yǎnshén  tàngshāng wǒ de qīngchūn)

hēiyè lǐ bù gǎn diǎn dēng  shì shéi ràng wǒ yuèxiànyuèshēn
ràng wǒ shēn’ài guò de rén  yuèláiyuè mòshēng



Fragile Woman

Singer: Faye Wong

Leaving behind your overnight kiss
I cannot feel how “real” you are
Thinking of you, the color of the sky is already dusk
Upon my face, there are still tear stains
If, starting over, I did not go ask
I do not want to be loath to part from you
Perhaps then, the night would not be cold
Then, my heart would not ache

This trembling lip cannot await your kiss
An easily wounded woman
Hoping, hoping, hoping your heart will ache
I am afraid to be alone
Why are you unwilling to softly call out to me
To soothe this easily wounded woman
For you, I am willing to give my life
(The expression of your eyes has scorched my youth)

In black night, I’m afraid to turn on a light
Who is it that has let me be tricked so profoundly
Letting the person I loved so deeply
Become more and more unfamiliar

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