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Yang Liping: Dancing South of the Clouds 杨丽萍:舞在云之南

Profile:Yang Liping: Dancing South of the Clouds 杨丽萍:舞在云之南
Yang Liping, a dance artist from the Bai ethnic group, was nominated for the You-Bring-Charm-to-the-World Award issued by Phoenix Satellite Television along with over 10 other well-known Chinese media and institutions from home and abroad.
Her performance has been quoted as "perfect". She can bring you easily to her own fairy land, wher you will have the feeling of really being there, no matter how sensible, how unfamiliar you are with dancing; she wields an unfathomable kind of magic, which works in her movements or even a pause, turning it into a trace of breeze flying upon a pool of stagnant water after which waves-chasing sound echoes in our silent souls; her dance is extremely pure as if far away from real life; however, it is exactly what our hearts yearn for. She is a "dancing poet" in the true sense. It is she-Yang Liping, the dancer south of the clouds.
The most genuine, affectionate, emotional dancer
认识杨丽萍的人,都知道她的个性。她对舞蹈爱得深沉,她对云南爱的 热烈。从最早的《雀之灵》,到后来的《月光》、《两棵树》,还有近几年的《云南印象》、《藏谜》、《云南的响声》,她所有的作品都是围绕云南在做。她说,"云南是一片神奇的土地,它有数不清、用不完的民族文化资源,它本身就是一块瑰丽的宝石,虽然我去了很多地方采风,将很多大家不常见甚至即将消逝的东西搜罗了出来,但这些于整个云南而言,也只不过是九牛一毛,这么好的东西,又是我熟悉的,你说我怎么还会想去做别的题材呢?光这些我毕生也弄不完……"
Those who know about Yang Liping must understand her personality. She deeply loves dancing and falls passionately for Yunnan. From her earliest works Spirit of the Peacock, Moonlight and Two Tresses subsequently all the way to her recent works including The Impression of Yunnan, The Mystery of the Tibetans and The Sound of Yunnan, all of her works have the theme of Yunnan. She says, "Yunnan is a magical land, enjoying numerous and inexhaustible folk cultural resources. Yunnan itself is just like a glamorous diamond. Although many rare or even disappearing Yunnan elements have been collected during my visits, the elements are merely a dro in the bucket in terms of the whole of Yunnan. With the wonderful topics with which I am familiar, why would I ever want to do another subject? I could spend my whole life studying just these."
It seems that Yang Liping's works are just about Yunnan culture, but matter-of-factly her work has never been that simple. She feels that the subjects she has chosen are all close to people's hearts and that dancing itself contains philosophy. The Mystery of the Tibetans shows the values of life and death of the Tibetans, for example that one is destined for death, so we should not fear it. Instead, we should feel peaceful in a happy spirit and feel the preciousness of life in a deeper format. The Impression of Yunnan symbolizes the original folk images and her love for nature, while The Sound of Yunnan is more poetic and rhythmic. With no complicated dancing movements, she hopes the audience can feel the original meaning of life.

Amongst all of Yang Liping's works, The Impression of Yunnan, first performed in 2003, is the "evergreen" piece, which has been performed over 3,000 times so far in over 40 Chinese cities and 50 foreign countries and districts including the United States of America, Japan, Argentina and Brazil, drawing quite a few fans who follow from one place to another. According to Yang Liping herself, the work should continue to be shown to audiences as scheduled. Asked about the popularity of her work, Yang Liping replied with a smile, "Because my performances are enjoyable, people are willing to pay for the tickets. In turn, it means they like my performances, so they come to see my dancing."
Dancing runs through my entire life
说到不跳舞之后的打算,杨丽萍也很淡然,"那就编舞嘛。世界上有很多优秀的编舞 ,他们都不上台,就在家里跳,这并不意味着舞蹈生涯的结束,还是一样在延续,只不过是用不同的方式而已。我跳了这么久了,以后我的生活也不会离开舞蹈,舞蹈是贯穿我的整个生命的。"
Speaking of her plans for after retirement from dancing, Yang Liping looked calm and said, "Then I will do choreography. There are many excellent choreographers in the world who work behind the screen and just dance at home. However, not dancing on stage does not mean an end to a dancing career, but continuity in a different format. I have danced this long, and I will not be able to live without dancing in the future either, because dancing has been running through my entire life."

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