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Actors and Singers演员和歌手

Profile:Actors and Singers演员和歌手
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This song's name is very interesting. It was written by 28-year-old guitarist, producer, and singer 李荣浩 Li Ronghao and sung by him and 37-year-old actor and singer 陈坤 Chen Kun. Li Ronghao has written songs or worked as a producer for 赵薇 Vicki Chao aka Zhao Wei, 信 Shin, 杨丞琳 Rainie Yang aka Yang Chenglin, 张信哲 Jeff Chang aka Zhang Xinzhe, 李宇春 Chris Lee aka Li Yuchun, etc.

Chen Kun gained recognition from the 2001 television drama Love in Shanghai and the 2002 film Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress. He rose to international prominence with the 2006 film The Knot and the 2008 fantasy film Painted Skin, which also garnered him a Hundred Flowers Award for Best Actor.

Chen was crowned “Asia’s Sexiest Male Vegetarian” by PETA this past June.

Released on August 19th, this song discusses show business and the experiences of actors and singers in China.

李: 一扇门 一盏灯 继续看没有看完的剧本
lǐ: yí shàn mén yì zhǎn dēng jì xù kàn méi yǒu kàn wán de jù běn
Li: A door, a lamp, keep reading the script I haven’t finished reading

快尾声 剧太温 谁用文言文哀悼 谁怎么牺牲
kuài wěi shēng jù tài wēn shuí yòng wén yán wén āi dào shuí zěn me xī shēng
[Sometimes the story] ends fast, [sometimes it] is too slow. Who grieves in classical Chinese? How did who sacrifice?

陈 : 翻阅过 的生活 愤怒 发呆 叙述 沉默 啰嗦
chén: fān yuè guò de shēng huó fèn nù fā dāi xù shù chén mò luō suō
Chen: The life I have browsed – anger, daze, narration, silence, verbosity

滴上了 纸的墨 积雪的窝 蚂蚁没觉得不妥
dī shàng le zhǐ de mò jī xuě de wō mǎ yǐ méi jué dé bù tuǒ
The ink dripped on the paper, the nest filled with snow, the ants don’t feel it’s improper

合: 一杯水多清澈 记得一切是错 自卑流泪是正果
hé: yì bēi shuǐ duō qīng chè jì dé yí qiè shì cuò zì bēi liú lèi shì zhèng guǒ
Both: How limpid a glass of water is, remembering everything is a mistake; tears of low self-esteem is the proper result

合: 什么最不独特 什么事深刻 流离浪荡演戏唱歌
hé: shén me zuì bù dú tè shén me shì shēn kè liú lí làng dàng yǎn xì chàng gē
Both: What is the least unique? What is deep? Wandering and loitering acting and singing

李: 演员和歌手 换了镜头扔掉了麦克风
lǐ: yǎn yuán hé gē shǒu huàn le jìng tóu rēng diào le mài kè fēng
Li: Actors and singers, changing between lenses, throwing away the microphone

陈: 演员和歌手 这戏台没分左右
chén: yǎn yuán he gē shǒu zhè xì tái méi fēn zuǒ yòu
Chen: Actors and singers, there is no left or right when it comes to the stage

李: 演员和歌手 这样的年头 说理想没够 也不是作秀
lǐ: yǎn yuán hé gē shǒu zhè yàng de nián tóu shuō lǐ xiǎng méi gòu yě bú shì zuò xiù
Li: Actors and singers, in this day and age, talking about dreams is not enough, neither is it [talking about dreams] for publicity’s sake

合: 学文艺戏里男人说的自由
hé: xué wén yì xì lǐ nán rén shuō de zì yóu
Both: When it comes to learning [to pursue] the freedom spoken of by the men in the artistic dramas [non-action scenes in TV dramas or movies]

李: 他们始终还学得不好还不够
lǐ: tā men shǐ zhōng hái xué de bù hǎo hái bú gòu
Li: They [actors and singers] still haven’t learned well, learned enough
陈: 一首歌 在附和 没想学着只是听的太多
chén: yì shǒu gē zāi fù hé měi xiǎng xué zhe zhǐ shì tīng de tài duō
Chen: The song I’m singing along to, didn’t intend to learn it, just heard it too many times

刚副歌 就结果 没有安宁没有爱 却多了选择
gāng fù gē jiù jié guǒ méi yǒu ān níng méi yǒu ài què duō le xuǎn zé
The chorus just began, but the song is ending. There’s no peace or love, but there come more choices

李: 又摆酒 又奔波 又祝贺我又接济了娱乐
lǐ: yòu bǎi jiǔ yòu bēn bō yòu zhù hè wǒ yòu jiē jì le yú lè
Li: Again the celebrations, again the running around, again congratulating me on again assisting the entertainment [industry]

生了根 分了神 天真演的婀娜也可以诚恳
shēng le gēn fēn le shén tiān zhēn yǎn de ē nuó yě kě yǐ chéng kěn
Having taken root [in the show business], I’ve lost my soul, [I can] innocently perform grace, as well as sincerity

合: 一杯水多清澈 记得一切是错 自卑流泪是正果
hé: yì bēi shuǐ duō qīng chè jì dé yí qiè shì cuò zì bēi liú lèi shì zhèng guǒ
Both: How limpid a glass of water is, remembering everything is a mistake; tears of low self-esteem is the proper result

合: 什么最不独特 什么事深刻 流离浪荡演戏唱歌
hé: shén me zuì bù dú tè shén me shì shēn kè liú lí làng dàng yǎn xì chàng gē
Both: What is the least unique? What is deep? Wandering loitering acting and singing

李: 演员和歌手 换了镜头扔掉了麦克风
lǐ: yǎn yuán hé gē shǒu huàn le jìng tóu rēng diào le mài kè fēng
Li: Actors and singers, changing between lenses, throwing away the microphone

陈: 演员和歌手 这戏台没分左右
chén: yǎn yuán he gē shǒu zhè xì tái méi fēn zuǒ yòu
Chen: Actors and singers, there is no left or right when it comes to the stage

李: 演员和歌手 这样的年头 说理想没够 也不是作秀
lǐ: yǎn yuán hé gē shǒu zhè yàng de nián tóu shuō lǐ xiǎng méi gòu yě bú shì zuò xiù
Li: Actors and singers, in this day and age, talking about dreams is not enough, neither is it [talking about dreams] for publicity’s sake–

合: 学文艺戏里男人说的自由
hé: xué wén yì xì lǐ nán rén shuō de zì yóu
Both: When it comes to learning [to pursue] the freedom spoken of by the men in the artistic dramas [non-action scenes in TV dramas or movies]

合:演员和歌手 演好个角色唱首好歌
hé: yǎn yuán hé gē shǒu yǎn hǎo gè jué sè chàng shǒu hǎo gē
Both: Actors and singers, play a role well, sing a good song

合:演员和歌手 不讨好内心的自我
hé: yǎn yuán hé gē shǒu bù tǎo hǎo nèi xīn de zì wǒ
Both: Actors and singers, not pleasing the self in their hearts

合:演员和歌手 慢几步迟到 追丢了自嘲 模糊了对焦
hé: yǎn yuán hé gē shǒu màn jǐ bù chí dào zhuī diū le zì cháo mó hu le duì jiāo
Both: Actors and singers, [if] slow a few steps, they’re late; [if] lost, they laugh at themselves, having blurred their focus [lost their goals]

hé: shēn shǒu shì yì yǒu hǎo zài jǐ lóu wēi xiào
Both: Waving the hand, on which floor are they friendly smiling?

lǐ: tài kě ài huì bú huì shì bìng le de zhēng zhào
Li: Is being too cute a sign of having become sick?



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