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【外交官汉语词汇十一】Report on the work of the government 2014

Profile:【外交官汉语词汇十一】Report on the work of the government 2014


第十二届全国人大二次会议, 2014年3月5日

国务院总理 李克强


Delivered at the Second Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress on March 5, 2014

by Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council


I. Review of Work in 2013

I. Review of Work in 2013

114, 本届政府依法履职的第一年
the first year for this government to perform its functions in accordance with the law,
任务艰巨而繁重 it had arduous tasks
116, 复杂形势 complex environment
117, 世界经济复苏艰难 the world economic recovery was difficult
In China, downward pressure on the economy increased, natural disasters occurred frequently, and there was an array of interrelated problems.
under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary
fully attained the main targets for economic and social development for the year
121, 改革开放和社会主义现代化建设取得令人瞩目的重大成就
made impressive achievements in reform and opening up and in the socialist modernization drive
122, 经济运行稳中向好。The economy was stable and improved.
123, 居民收入和经济效益持续提高。
Personal income continued to rise, and economic performance continued to improve.
124, 结构调整取得积极成效。
Progress was achieved in adjusting the economic structure.
125, 社会事业蓬勃发展。
Social programs developed vigorously.
126, 一是着力深化改革开放,激发市场活力和内生动力。
First, we deepened reform and opening up, invigorated the market, and stimulated internal impetus to growth.
Second, we improved our thinking on and ways of conducting macro-control and ensured that the economy performed within a proper range.
Third, we focused on adjusting the economic structure and raising the quality and returns of development.
Fourth, we ensured and improved people's wellbeing and upheld social fairness and justice.
130, 五是改进社会治理方式,保持社会和谐稳定。
Fifth, we improved social governance and maintained social harmony and stability.



II. General Work Arrangements for 2014
131, 把改革创新贯穿于经济社会发展各个领域各个环节
carry out reform and innovation in all areas of economic and social development

132, 保持宏观经济政策连续性稳定性
maintain continuity and stability of our macroeconomic policies;

133, 增强调控的前瞻性针对性
make macro-control more forward-oriented and targeted;

134, 全面深化改革
comprehensively deepen reform;

135, 不断扩大开放
constantly expand opening up

136, 实施创新驱动
drive development through innovation;

137, 坚持走中国特色新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化道路,
keep to the new path of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization with distinctive Chinese features;

138, 加快转方式调结构促升级
accelerate transformation of the growth model, structural adjustments, and industrial upgrading;

139, 加强基本公共服务体系建设,
strengthen the development of the basic public service system;

140, 着力保障和改善民生,
ensure and improve people's wellbeing;

141, 切实提高发展质量和效益,
raise the quality and returns of development;

142, 大力推进社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设,
promote socialist economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological advancement;

143, 实现经济持续健康发展和社会和谐稳定。
achieve sound and sustained economic development and social harmony and stability.

144, 国内生产总值增长7.5%左右,
Increase GDP by about 7.5%,

145, 居民消费价格涨幅控制在3.5%左右
keep the rise in the CPI at around 3.5%,

146, 城镇新增就业1000万人以上,
create ten million more urban jobs,

147, 城镇登记失业率控制在4.6%以内,
ensure that the registered urban unemployment rate does not rise above 4.6%,

148, 国际收支基本平衡
achieve basic balance in international payments,

149, 努力实现居民收入和经济发展同步
increase personal incomes in step with economic development

150, 加强对增长、就业、物价、国际收支等主要目标的统筹平衡。
We need to make overall planning for and balance major targets, namely, economic growth, employment, prices and international payments.

151, 要把握好以下原则和政策取向
We should adhere to the following principles and policies:

152, 第一,向深化改革要动力。
First, we should create impetus by deepening reform.

153, 第二,保持经济运行处在合理区间。
Second, we should keep economic performance within a proper range.

154, 第三,着力提质增效升级、持续改善民生。
Third, we should work hard to raise the quality and returns of development, promote industrial upgrading and keep improving people's wellbeing.

155, 改革是最大的红利。Reform has brought us the greatest benefits.

156, 政绩考核评价体系 the system for evaluating officials' performance

We will improve the system for evaluating officials' performance and get everyone involved in a common endeavor to accelerate transformation of the growth model, make structural adjustment and achieve sound development.

more efficient, equitable and sustainable.

This will steadily increase employment and personal incomes, improve the environment, and make China's economic and social development more efficient, equitable and sustainable.




III. Major Tasks for 2014

158, ()推动重要领域改革取得新突破。

1. Making breakthroughs in reform in important areas

159, ()开创高水平对外开放新局面。

2. Ushering in a new phase of China's opening to the outside world and ensuring its high standard performance

160, ()增强内需拉动经济的主引擎作用。

3. Making domestic demand the main engine driving growth


4. Advancing agricultural modernization and rural reform and development


5. Carrying out a new type of people-centered urbanization


6. Using innovation to support and lead economic structural improvement and upgrading


7. Accelerating the development of education, health, culture and other social programs


8. Making coordinated efforts to ensure and improve people's wellbeing


9. Building China into a beautiful homeland with a sound ecological environment

We need to deepen reform so as to create powerful impetus, carry out structural adjustment as our main priority, and make improving people's wellbeing our fundamental goal.

168,首要任务the top priority for

169,更多释放改革红利 reap more benefits reform

further streamline administration and delegate more power to lower-level governments.

171, 继续推进事业单位改革 continue to reform public institutions

172, 深化金融体制改革。We will deepen reform of the financial sector.

173, 增强各类所有制经济活力。
We will enhance the vitality of economic entities under all forms of ownership.

174, 开放与改革相伴而生、相互促进。
Opening up and reform have been launched as integral parts of the same initiative as they are mutually reinforcing.

175, 扩大全方位主动开放。
We will open China wider to the outside world in all areas.

176, 坚持积极有效利用外资
We will continue to utilize foreign investment actively and efficiently.

177, 对外开放的热土
hotspots for opening up

178, 自主品牌Chinese brands

179, 国际营销网络international marketing networks

180, 丝绸之路经济带、21世纪海上丝绸之路
a Silk Road economic belt and a 21st century maritime Silk Road

181, 统筹多双边和区域开放合作。
We will engage in bilateral, multilateral and regional opening up and cooperation in a coordinated way.

182, 重点发展养老、健康、旅游、文化等服务,落实带薪休假制度。
the focus on elderly care, health, tourism, and culture, and implement the system of paid vacations.

183, 实施宽带中国战略 implement China's broadband strategy

184, 维护网络安全。We will safeguard cyber-security.

185, 海洋是我们宝贵的蓝色国土。The seas are our valuable national territory.

186, 积极推进农村改革。We will vigorously push forward rural reform.

187, 创新扶贫开发方式。
We will explore new ways to alleviate poverty through development.

188, 有序推进农业转移人口市民化。
We will grant urban residency in an orderly manner to rural people who have moved to cities.

189, 发展学前教育。实施特殊教育提升计划。
We will develop preschool education and implement the plan to improve special education.

190, 推动医改向纵深发展。
We will deepen medical reform.

191, 构建和谐医患关系。
We will build harmonious relations between doctors and patients.

192, 推进社会治理创新。
We will promote innovation in social governance.

193, 深入开展普法教育,加大法律援助。
We will strengthen education in the general knowledge of law and increase legal aid.

194, 民惟邦本,本固邦宁。
The people are the foundation of a nation, and a nation can enjoy peace only when its foundation is strong.

195, 就业是民生之本。
Employment is the basis of people's wellbeing.

196, 收入是民生之源。
Income is the source of people's wellbeing.

197, 社保是民生之基。
Social security is the foundation of people's wellbeing.

198, 完善住房保障机制。
We will improve the mechanism for providing adequate housing.

199, 人命关天,安全生产这根弦任何时候都要绷紧。
There is nothing more important than human life, so we must always give our full attention to workplace safety.

200, 生态文明建设关系人民生活,关乎民族未来。
Fostering a sound ecological environment is vital for people's lives and the future of our nation.

201, 出重拳强化污染防治。
We will take strong measures to strengthen pollution prevention and control.

202, 推动能源生产和消费方式变革。
We will change the way energy is produced and consumed.

203, 推进生态保护与建设。
We will move forward with ecological protection and development.

204, 做好政府工作,必须加强自身改革建设。
To do the government's work well, we must strengthen its internal reform and self-governance.

205, 各级政府必须厉行节约,反对浪费,坚持过紧日子。
Governments at all levels must practice economy, eliminate waste, and tighten their belts.

206, 狠抓依法治军、从严治军。
We will run the armed forces with strict discipline and in accordance with the law.



1. Making breakthroughs in reform in important areas


2. Ushering in a new phase of China's opening to the outside world and ensuring its high standard performance


3. Making domestic demand the main engine driving growth


4. Advancing agricultural modernization and rural reform and development


5. Carrying out a new type of people-centered urbanization


6. Using innovation to support and lead economic structural improvement and upgrading


7. Accelerating the development of education, health, culture and other social programs


8. Making coordinated efforts to ensure and improve people's wellbeing


9. Building China into a beautiful homeland with a sound ecological environment


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