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【外交官汉语十九】 President Xi's Speech at UNESCO 5

Profile:【外交官汉语十九】 President Xi's Speech at UNESCO 5

306,交流互鉴interacting with and learning from others

307文明冲突"clash of civilizations"

308,不存在 be out of the question

309,就可以实现文明和谐the harmony of civilizations will become reality

310萝卜青菜,各有所爱。” "radish or cabbage, each to his own delight."



Having gone through over 5,000 years of vicissitudes

312,始终一脉相承has always kept to its original root.

313,代表着中华民族独特的精神标识Unique in representing China spiritually

314,丰厚滋养abundant nourishment


Having gone through over 5,000 years of vicissitudes, the Chinese civilization has always kept to its original root. Unique in representing China spiritually, it contains some most profound pursuits of the Chinese nation and provides it with abundant nourishment for existence and development.

315,在中国大地上产生的文明born on the soil of China

316,不断交流互鉴constant exchanges and mutual learning (with)

317,公元前100多年In the 2nd century B.C.,

318,通往西域的丝绸之路the Silk Road leading to the Western Regions

319,公元前138年和119In 138 B.C. and 119 B.C.,

320,传播了中华文化spreading the Chinese culture

321, 引进了葡萄、苜蓿、石榴、胡麻、芝麻等西域文化成果

bringing into China grape, alfalfa, pomegranate, flax, sesame and other products.

322, 西汉时期In the Western Han Dynasty

323, 中国的船队到达了China's merchant fleets sailed as far as

324, 用中国的丝绸换取了琉璃、珍珠等物品

they traded China's silk for colored glaze, pearls and other products.


The Tang Dynasty saw dynamic interactions between China and other countries.

326,据史料记载According to historical documents

327,通使交好 exchanged envoys with

328,云集成群bustled with


According to historical documents, the dynasty exchanged envoys with over 70 countries, and Chang'an, the capital of Tang, bustled with envoys, merchants and students from other countries.

329,大交流 Exchanges of such a magnitude


Exchanges of such a magnitude helped the spread of the Chinese culture to the rest of the world and the introduction into China of the cultures and products from other countries.

33015世纪初 In the early 15th century

331,中国明代著名航海家郑和Zheng He, the famous navigator of China's Ming Dynasty

332,七次远洋航海made seven expeditions to the Western Seas

333,到了东南亚很多国家reaching many Southeast Asian countries

334,一直抵达非洲东海岸的肯尼亚and even Kenya on the east coast of Africa.

335,明末清初In late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty

336,现代科技知识modern science and technology

337,积极with great zeal


European knowledge of astronomy, medicine, mathematics, geometry and geography were being introduced into China

339,开阔中国人的知识视野 helped broaden the horizon of the Chinese people


341,更是频繁展开became more frequent


exchanges and mutual learning between the Chinese civilization and other civilizations became more frequent.


There were indeed conflicts, frictions, bewilderment and denial in this process. But the more dominant features of the period were learning, digestion, integration and innovation.


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