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Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin 11 (Intermediate to Advanced)

Profile:Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin 11 (Intermediate to Advanced)
Zhuang Liqun bought lots of expensive gifts for his Mom’s family. He also indicated that he was going to be away for quite a while…

[simplified Chinese]
罪恶有痕 11


庄立群心里暗暗懊悔, 忘了把小单从袋子里拿出来了. 妈妈节俭了一辈子, 最怕子女乱花钱. 送她名贵的东西都得骗她说不贵或打折她才肯收.

“妈, 那件大衣是国际品牌, 质量样式都没得说的. 你不老说冬天出门冷吗, 穿上这件保证暖和!”没等听的人回话, 他就把妹妹拉起来, 带她去看他给她买的玩具和衣服.

佳佳手舞足蹈地摆弄着她的新礼物. 而庄立群则对妈妈说, “我给佳佳爸也买了套按摩器, 放门口这了. 可以做全身按摩. 看他喜不喜欢?”

文素云刚要开口, 佳佳的爸爸老钟推门进来了. “是立群来啦? 我说怎么那么热闹呢!”

老钟是个老实忠厚的药厂工人. 虽然庄立群从九岁起就跟离了婚的父亲一起生活, 但也经常来生母家帮忙. 和老钟处得挺好. 时不时还一起出去办个事什么的.

“佳佳爸, 你看立群这孩子, 今天来, 买这么贵的东西!” 文素云一脸为难的样子.

庄立群一边帮老钟把大衣挂好, 一边笑着说,”妈, 你就不能痛快收下吗? 我难说过段时间要去外地, 暂时来不了你们这. 就当是我的一份过年礼不行吗?”


“是有这可能.” 庄立群应付了一句就嚷着肚子饿, 招呼大家一块儿上桌吃饭了.


[vocab table]

Simplified Chinese     Traditional Chinese     Mandarin Pinyin     English Definition
懊悔         ao4 hui3     to regret
节俭     節儉     jie2 jian3     frugal
手舞足蹈         shou3 wu3 zu2 dao3     hands dance and feet trip (idiom); dancing and gesticulating for joy
摆弄     擺弄     bai3 nong4     to fiddle with; to play with
按摩         an4 mo2     massage
忠厚         zhong1 hou4     honest and considerate
招呼         zhao1 hu5     to greet; to take care of


 zuì’è yǒu hén 11


zhuāng lì qún xīn lǐ àn’àn àohuǐ, wàng le bǎ xiǎo dān cóng dàizi lǐ ná chūlái le. māma jiéjiǎn le yībèizi, zuì pà zǐnǚ luànhuāqián. sòng tā míngguì de dōngxi dōu dé piàn tā shuō bù guì huò dǎzhé tā cái kěn shōu.

“ mā, nà jiàn dàyī shì guójì pǐnpái, zhìliàng yàngshì dōu méideshuō de. nǐ bù lǎo shuō dōngtiān chūmén lěng ma, chuānshang zhè jiàn bǎozhèng nuǎnhuo!” méi děng tīng de rén huíhuà, tā jiù bǎ mèimei lā qilai, dài tā qù kàn tā gěi tā mǎi de wánjù hé yīfu.

jiā jiā shǒuwǔzúdǎo dì bǎinòng zhe tā de xīn lǐwù. ér zhuāng lì qún zé duì māma shuō, “ wǒ gěi jiā jiā bà yě mǎi le tào ànmó qì, fàng ménkǒu zhè le. kěyǐ zuò quánshēn ànmó. kàn tā xǐ bù xǐhuan?”

wén sù yún gāng yào kāikǒu, jiā jiā de bàba lǎo zhōng tuī mén jìnlái le. “ shì lì qún lái la? wǒ shuō zěnme nàme rènao ne!”

lǎo zhōng shì gè lǎoshi zhōnghòu de yào chǎng gōngrén. suīrán zhuāng lì qún cóng jiǔ suì qǐ jiù gēn lí le hūn de fùqīn yīqǐ shēnghuó, dàn yě jīngcháng láishēng mǔ jiā bāngmáng. hé lǎo zhōng chǔ dé tǐnghǎo. shíbùshí hái yīqǐ chūqù bàn gè shì shénme de.

“ jiā jiā bà, nǐ kàn lì qún zhè háizi, jīntiān lái, mǎi zhème guì de dōngxi!” wén sù yún yī liǎn wéinán de yàngzi.

zhuāng lì qún yībiān bāng lǎo zhōng bǎ dàyī guàhǎo, yībiān xiào zhe shuō,” mā, nǐ jiù bùnéng tòngkuài shōu xià ma? wǒ nán shuō guò duàn shíjiān yào qù wàidì, zànshí lái bùliǎo nǐmen zhè. jiù dāng shì wǒ de yī fèn guònián lǐ bùxíng ma?”

“ nǐ yào chūchāi?” lǎo zhōng wèn.

“ shì yǒu zhè kěnéng.” zhuāng lì qún yìngfu le yījù jiù rǎng zhe dùzi è, zhāohu dàjiā yīkuàir shàng zhuō chīfàn le.


[traditional Chinese]
罪惡有痕 11


莊立群心裏暗暗懊悔, 忘了把小單從袋子裏拿出來了. 媽媽節儉了一輩子, 最怕子女亂花錢. 送她名貴的東西都得騙她說不貴或打折她才肯收.

“媽, 那件大衣是國際品牌, 質量樣式都沒得說的. 你不老說冬天出門冷嗎, 穿上這件保證暖和!”沒等聽的人回話, 他就把妹妹拉起來, 帶她去看他給她買的玩具和衣服.

佳佳手舞足蹈地擺弄著她的新禮物. 而莊立群則對媽媽說, “我給佳佳爸也買了套按摩器, 放門口這了. 可以做全身按摩. 看他喜不喜歡?”

文素雲剛要開口, 佳佳的爸爸老鍾推門進來了. “是立群來啦? 我說怎麼那麼熱鬧呢!”

老鍾是個老實忠厚的藥廠工人. 雖然莊立群從九歲起就跟離了婚的父親一起生活, 但也經常來生母家幫忙. 和老鍾處得挺好. 時不時還一起出去辦個事什麼的.

“佳佳爸, 你看立群這孩子, 今天來, 買這麼貴的東西!” 文素雲一臉為難的樣子.

莊立群一邊幫老鍾把大衣掛好, 一邊笑著說,”媽, 你就不能痛快收下嗎? 我難說過段時間要去外地, 暫時來不了你們這. 就當是我的一份過年禮不行嗎?”


“是有這可能.” 莊立群應付了一句就嚷著肚子餓, 招呼大家一塊兒上桌吃飯了.


[English translation]
Traces of Sin  11

Zhuang Liqun secretly regret that he should have taken out the receipt from the shopping bag. His Mom had been living frugally in her whole life. He had to lie about the cost every time he gave an expensive gift to her.

“Mom, the coat is an international brand. Quality and style are both guaranteed. Didn’t you say it’s too cold to walk outside in winter. Then wear this coat. You’ll feel really warm!” Before his Mom said anything back, Zhuang Liqun already pulled his sister to check the toys and clothes he bought for her.

Jiajia played with her new gifts with joy. Zhuang Liqun told his Mom, “I bought a set of massage tools for Jiajia’s Dad. It’s left near the door. It can be used to massage the whole body. See whether he likes it?”

As soon as Wen Suyun started to talk, Jiajia’s Dad opened the door and came in. “Liqun is here? No wonder it sounds like a party!”

Lao Zhong was an honest and considerate worker that worked in a medicine factory. Although Zhuang Liqun lived with his Dad after his parent’s divorce, he used to come to Mom’s house to lend a hand. He got along with Lao Zhong very well. They even went out on errands together from time to time.

“Jiajia’s Dad, see? Liqun spent so much money on buying us gifts today!” Wen Suyun was not comfortable with that.

Zhuang Liqun helped Lao Zhong hang up his coat, and then said with a smile,” Mom, can’t you just happily accept the gifts? You probably won’t see me in a while since I’ll be on a trip to other places. Think about them as my new year gifts for you all, OK?”

“Will you be on business trip?” Asked Lao Zhong.

“Possibly yes.” Answered Zhuang Liqun briefly. He then went on to complain how hungry he was and called out to get dinner started.


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